Show upcoming Outlook meetings on the Windows lock screen

pip install where-to==0.1.2


where-to logo

where-to is a Python command-line utility that displays upcoming Outlook appointments on a Windows lock screen.

The package is available on pypi and can be installed from the command line by typing

pip install where-to

Once installed, a where-to command will be added to your Python scripts directory. You can run it to show the next appointment, all appointments for the rest of the day only appointments due to start at this time.


where-to upcoming # shows all appointments for the rest of the day
where-to next
where-to now      # appointments starting between 10 minutes ago and 15  minutes hence

Get more help via where-to --help.

Note that where-to is built to be console-less, so that when invoked from a Windows scheduled task it will not pop up an annoying console window. The help message (and indeed all output) should be presented in an instance of the notepad editor. If this isn't working, or if for some reason you want to see a display in a terminal window, the alternative executable where-to-console is also available. This can be combined with the --display-mode list option to print appointments rather than splash them on the lock screen.

Logo: Calendar by Paisley from the Noun Project.