
Python package for parsing Wikitionary

pip install wikidictparser==1.1


Wiktionary Parser Package

Python package

Python package to scrape Polish Wikitionary to parse meaning of every word and its declination/conjugation where appriopriate.

The package uses bs4, requests and pandas.

To install - requires pip

pip install wikidictparser

Example usage:

# Import wikitionary.
import wikidictparser as wdp

# Create polish parser object.
parser = wdp.get_parser('pl')

# Fetch a word.
result = parser.fetch('onomatopeja')

# Print the result.
print('Result:\n', result)

The parser.fetch() function will return a dictionary with two keys: 'znaczenia' (meanings) and 'odmiana' (declination). Each of them will contain smaller dictionary with Wiktionary styled division i.e.

    "znaczenia": {
        1: {
            1: {
                "part_of_speach": ...,
                "meaning" ...
            2: {
        2: {
    "odmiana": {
        1: {
            1: {
                pandas.DataFrame # or nieodm (nondeclinable)
            2: {
        2: {