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A wrapper for tkinter window for taking its screenshot.
Ghanteyyy http://github.com/ghanteyyy MIT License
Requirements and Tested Platforms
- 3.x
Windows (32bit/64bit):
- Windows 10
wincap is available on PyPI. You can install it through pip:
pip install wincap
import wincap
cap = wincap.CAP(master) # master is an instance of tkinter
cap.capture(FileName) # Capture and Save the screenshot of the tkiner window
# If you want the x_pos, y_pos, width and height of the tkinter window.
region = cap.get_region()
# If you want to bind the key so that everytime you press that key
# captures the screenshot. Here I have binded "Control g":
master.bind('<Control-g>', lambda: cap.capture(FileName))