
Backup your Wordpress post to GitHub or local

github, wordpress, backup, sync
pip install wpexport==0.0.1



This small python package backup your Wordpress post to GitHub/locale. It convert the html to Markdown with pypandoc. For the api interaction, I uses the two packages gitpython and python-wordpress-xmlrpc. So you have to install this dependence, if you wand to install it from source.

quick start


pip install wpexport

It uses pandoc. You may have to install it manually.

sudo apt install pandoc

More information https://pandoc.org/installing.html

Set up your settings:

python -m wpexport --setup

After you have input all the parameters, they will be save in the file ~.wpexport.conf. Notice your passwords are also in this file.

Now you are ready to have some fun.


command line arguments

This command export all your post to the GitHub repo. If you didn't like the config file, you can pass the parameter throw the terminal. Use the name of the parameter as the command option. The command option will always override the config file. For axample you cann uses the config file for all parametes exclude the password. And then pass the password throw the command line.

wpexport --wp_pw 1234

the config file

You can also uses another config file. For the setup as well as the backup function.

wpexport --config "/path/to/your/config.json"

The config file is a basic json file. You can look into it and change the values, if you like.

only local export

If you didn't like GitHub, only export it to your local machine.

wpexport --output "/path/to/your/export"

how does it work?

Coming soon.


Clone repo:

git clone https://github.com/axju/wpexport.git

Create virtual environment and update dev-tools:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade wheel pip setuptools twine

Install wpexport:

pip install -e .

Publish the packages:

python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
twine upload dist/*