Python consumer for the WPPBAV Fount API.

wpp-bavapi, bavapi, bavgroup, bav, brandasset, brandassetvaluator, wppbav, wpp, fount
pip install wpp-bavapi==0.12.1



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bavapi is a Python SDK for the WPP BAV API.

It is published on PyPI as wpp-bavapi.

With bavapi you can access the full BAV data catalog, the largest and most comprehensive database of brand data in the world.

Queries are validated automatically thanks to pydantic and retrieved asynchronously via the httpx package.

For more information about the API, go to the WPPBAV Developer Hub.


bavapi requires Python 3.8 or higher to run.

If you don't have Python installed, you can find it from the official website or via Anaconda.

You will also need a BAV API token. For more information, go to the Authentication section of the API documentation.


  • httpx >= 0.20
  • nest-asyncio >= 1.5
  • pandas >= 1.0
  • pydantic >= 2.0
  • tqdm >= 4.62
  • typing-extensions >= 4.6 for Python < 3.12


bavapi can be installed using pip:

pip install wpp-bavapi

Installing from source

To install from source, clone the GitHub repository into your local machine:

git clone

Go into the cloned directory and install bavapi:

cd bavapi-sdk-python
pip install .


Once you have acquired a token, you can start using this library directly in python or in a Jupyter Notebook:

>>> import bavapi
>>> result = bavapi.brands("TOKEN", name="Swatch")  # Replace `"TOKEN"` with your BAV API token
>>> result
sector_id sector_name id name ...
0 233 Apparel & Accessories 8635 Swatch ...
... ... ... ... ... ...


  • Support for all endpoints in the WPPBAV Fount API.
    • Extended support for the following endpoints:
      • audiences
      • audience-groups
      • brand-metrics
      • brand-metric-groups
      • brands
      • brandscape-data
      • categories
      • cities
      • collections
      • companies
      • countries
      • sectors
      • studies
      • years
    • Other endpoints are available via the raw_query functions and methods.
    • Extended support for Fount API Tools/TurboPitch endpoints.
  • Validates query parameters are of the correct types and provides type hints for better IDE support.
  • Retrieve multiple pages of data simultaneously, monitoring and preventing exceeding API rate limit.
  • Both synchronous and asynchronous APIs for accessing BAV data.


Read more about bavapi in the documentation.


Please file an issue on GitHub here.


Please see the Contributing section of the documentation for more information.