
Python client for X10 API

pip install x10-python-trading==0.2.3



Python client for X10 API.

Minimum Python version required to use this library is 3.10 (you can use pyenv to manage your Python versions easily).


pip install x10-python-trading

Our SDK makes use of a Rust Library to accelerate signing and hashing of stark components. Currently this library supports the following environments

3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12
linux (glibc) - x86
linux (musl) - x86
linux (glibc) - arm64
linux (musl) - arm64
OSX - arm64
windows - x86 ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️
windows - arm64 ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️


Register at x10 testnet by connecting a supported Ethereum Wallet.

Navigate to Api Management

  1. Generate an API key
  2. Show API details (You will need these details to initialise a trading client)

Instantiate a Trading Account

from x10.perpetual.accounts import StarkPerpetualAccount
api_key:str = "<api>" #from api-management
public_key:str = "<public>" #from api-management
private_key:str = "<private>" #from api-management
vault:int = <vault> #from api-management

stark_account = StarkPerpetualAccount(

Instantiate a Trading Client

from x10.perpetual.accounts import StarkPerpetualAccount
from x10.perpetual.configuration import TESTNET_CONFIG
from x10.perpetual.orders import OrderSide
from x10.perpetual.trading_client import PerpetualTradingClient

trading_client = PerpetualTradingClient.create(TESTNET_CONFIG, stark_account)
placed_order = await trading_client.place_order(
await trading_client.orders.cancel_order(order_id=placed_order.id)

for more information see placing an order example.

There is also a skeleton implementation of a blocking client.


The SDK currently provides functionality across three main modules

Order Management Module

The order module is accessed using the orders property of the trading client



Account Module

The account module is accessed using the account property of the trading client


it exposes functionality related to managing an active trading account


Fetches the balance of the user's account.

    logger = logging.getLogger("demo_logger")
    balance = await trading_client.account.get_balance()
    logger.info("Balance: %s", balance.to_pretty_json())


Fetches the current positions of the user's account. It can filter the positions based on market names and position side.

    logger = logging.getLogger("demo_logger")
    positions = await trading_client.account.get_positions()
    logger.info("Positions: %s", positions.to_pretty_json())

returns a list of

class PositionModel(X10BaseModel):
    id: int
    account_id: int
    market: str
    side: PositionSide
    leverage: Decimal
    size: Decimal
    value: Decimal
    open_price: Decimal
    mark_price: Decimal
    liquidation_price: Optional[Decimal] = None
    unrealised_pnl: Decimal
    realised_pnl: Decimal
    tp_price: Optional[Decimal] = None
    sl_price: Optional[Decimal] = None
    adl: Optional[int] = None
    created_at: int
    updated_at: int


Fetches the historical positions of the user's account. It can filter the positions based on market names and position side.

    logger = logging.getLogger("demo_logger")
    positions = await trading_client.account.get_positions_history()
    logger.info("Positions: %s", positions.to_pretty_json())

returns a list of

class PositionHistoryModel(X10BaseModel):
    id: int
    account_id: int
    market: str
    side: PositionSide
    leverage: Decimal
    size: Decimal
    open_price: Decimal
    exit_type: Optional[ExitType]
    exit_price: Optional[Decimal]
    realised_pnl: Decimal
    created_time: int
    closed_time: Optional[int]


Fetches the open orders of the user's account. It can filter the orders based on market names, order type, and order side.

    open_orders = await trading_client.account.get_open_orders()
    await trading_client.orders.mass_cancel(order_ids=[order.id for order in open_orders.data])

returns a list of

class OpenOrderModel(X10BaseModel):
    id: int
    account_id: int
    external_id: str
    market: str
    type: OrderType
    side: OrderSide
    status: OrderStatus
    status_reason: Optional[OrderStatusReason] = None
    price: Decimal
    average_price: Optional[Decimal] = None
    qty: Decimal
    filled_qty: Optional[Decimal] = None
    reduce_only: bool
    post_only: bool
    created_time: int
    expiry_time: Optional[int] = None


Fetches the historical orders of the user's account. It can filter the orders based on market names, order type, and order side

    market_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, #parameter to filter by market
    order_type: Optional[OrderType] = None, #parameter to filter by order type (IOC, GTT etc)
    order_side: Optional[OrderSide] = None, #parameter to filter by side (BUY/SELL)
    cursor: Optional[int] = None, #pagination cursor
    limit: Optional[int] = None, #limit the number of returned orders per page
    open_orders = await trading_client.account.get_orders_history(
        market_names=["BTC-USD", "SOL-USD"],

returns a list of OpenOrderModel


Fetches the trades of the user's account. It can filter the trades based on market names, trade side, and trade type.


Fetches the trading fees for the specified markets.



Fetches the leverage for the specified markets.

   leverage = await trading_client.account.get_leverage(market_names=list("BTC-USD"))

returns a list of

class AccountLeverage(X10BaseModel):
    market: str
    leverage: Decimal


Updates the leverage for a specific market.

    await trading_client.account.update_leverage(market_name="BTC-USD", leverage=Decimal("20.0"))

Markets Info Module

The markets module is accessed using the markets_info property of the trading client



SDK Environment configurations (Since version 0.3.0)

The SDK is controlled by an EndpointConfiguration object passed to the various methods and clients, several helpful instances are defined in configuration.py


If you previously onboarded to our testnet environment, you should use the TESTNET_CONFIG_LEGACY_SIGNING_DOMAIN configuration bundle, as this will allow you to regenerate the same l2 keys as were created by our legacy testnet environment.

All new accounts should use the TESTNET_CONFIG configuration bundle

OnBoarding via SDK (Since Version 0.3.0)

To onboard to the X10 Exchange, the UserClient defined in user_client.py provides a way to use an Ethereum account to onboard onto the X10 exchange.

TLDR - Check out: onboarding_example.py

onboard(referral_code: Optional[str] = None) -> OnBoardedAccount

This method handles the onboarding process of a user. It generates an L2 key pair from the user's L1 Ethereum account, creates an onboarding payload, and sends it to the onboarding endpoint. Upon successful onboarding, it returns an OnBoardedAccount object containing the default account and the L2 key pair.

onboard_subaccount(account_index: int, description: str | None = None) -> OnBoardedAccount

This method onboards a subaccount associated with the user's main account. It allows you to specify an account_index and an optional description. If a subaccount with the given index already exists, it retrieves and returns that subaccount. Otherwise, it creates a new subaccount and returns an OnBoardedAccount object with the subaccount details and the associated L2 key pair.

get_accounts() -> List[OnBoardedAccount]

This method retrieves all the accounts associated with the user. It returns a list of OnBoardedAccount objects, each containing the account details and corresponding L2 key pair.

create_account_api_key(account: AccountModel, description: str | None) -> str

This method generates an API key for a specified account. You can provide an optional description for the API key. It returns the newly created API key as a string.

perform_l1_withdrawal() -> str

This method initiates a withdrawal from Layer 2 (L2) to Layer 1 (L1) using the user's Ethereum account. It calls the underlying contract function to perform the withdrawal and returns a string, typically a transaction hash or status.

available_l1_withdrawal_balance() -> Decimal

This method retrieves the available balance for L1 withdrawals. It calls the underlying contract function to fetch the withdrawal balance and returns the balance as a Decimal value.

Process of Obtaining a Stark Key Pair from an Ethereum Account

The process of obtaining a Stark key pair from an Ethereum account is a cryptographic procedure that involves generating a private and public key pair used in the StarkWare ecosystem. This process leverages the Ethereum account to create a deterministic Stark key pair that can be used for operations on StarkWare-based systems such as StarkEx and StarkNet

1. Context and Purpose

StarkWare-based systems require their own cryptographic keys (Stark keys) separate from Ethereum keys. However, to maintain a consistent user experience, StarkWare allows users to derive these keys deterministically from their existing Ethereum accounts. The process of obtaining a Stark key pair from an Ethereum account involves generating a signing message that the Ethereum account can sign, and then using that signature to derive the Stark private key.

2. Generating the Signing Structure

The first step in the process is to generate a signing structure that will be signed by the Ethereum account. This structure is constructed using the EIP-712 standard, which allows for typed data to be signed in a structured way on Ethereum.

a. Define the Signing Structure

The message to be signed includes:

  1. account index,
  2. the Ethereum wallet address,
  3. and whether the terms of service (TOS) are accepted.

in the function get_key_derivation_struct_to_sign, the signing structure is constructed as follows:

def get_key_derivation_struct_to_sign(account_index: int, address: str, signing_domain: str) -> SignableMessage:
    primary_type = "AccountCreation"
    domain = {"name": signing_domain}
    message = {
        "accountIndex": account_index,
        "wallet": address,
        "tosAccepted": True,
    types = {
        "EIP712Domain": [
            {"name": "name", "type": "string"},
        "AccountCreation": [
            {"name": "accountIndex", "type": "int8"},
            {"name": "wallet", "type": "address"},
            {"name": "tosAccepted", "type": "bool"},
    structured_data = {
        "types": types,
        "domain": domain,
        "primaryType": primary_type,
        "message": message,
    return encode_typed_data(full_message=structured_data)
b. EIP-712 Typed Data

The signing structure uses EIP-712 typed data, which consists of:

Domain: This is a structured domain object that helps to prevent cross-domain replay attacks. In this case, it typically includes the name field (which might be the name of the application or system).

Message: This is the main data being signed, which includes the accountIndex, wallet address, and tosAccepted fields.

Types: This describes the types of the fields in both the domain and message.

Primary Type: This indicates the primary type being signed (in this case, "AccountCreation").
c. Encoding the Typed Data

The structure is encoded into a format that can be signed by the Ethereum account. This is done using the encode_typed_data function, which creates a SignableMessage. The SignableMessage includes the hash of the typed data according to the EIP-712 standard.

3. Signing the Structure with the Ethereum Account

Once the signing structure is prepared, it is signed using the Ethereum private key.

4. Deriving the Stark Private Key

The signature obtained from the Ethereum account is then used to derive the Stark private key. This is done by truncating the r value from the Ethereum signature and using it as the basis for the Stark private key:

def get_private_key_from_eth_signature(eth_signature: str) -> int:
    eth_sig_truncated = re.sub("^0x", "", eth_signature)
    r = eth_sig_truncated[:64]
    return stark_sign.grind_key(int(r, 16), stark_sign.EC_ORDER)

stark_sign.grind_key is a function imported from vendor/starkware/crypto/signature/signature.py

Depositing via SDK (Since Version 0.3.0)

There is a new function deposit available on the AccountModule which provides the ability to directly deposit USDC into your StarkEx account. For more details check out call_stark_perpetual_deposit in contract.py


Make sure you have poetry installed.

  • Clone the repository: git@github.com:x10xchange/python_sdk.git
  • Navigate to the project directory: cd python_sdk
  • Create a virtual environment: poetry shell
  • Install dependencies: poetry install
  • Update examples/placed_order_example.py with your credentials
  • Run it: python -m examples.placed_order_example

Custom commands:

  • make format - format code with black
  • make lint - run safety, black, flake8 and mypy checks
  • make test - run tests