A library for making Python objects from XML.

pip install xml-python==0.3.3



Create Python objects from XML using decorated functions to parse the nodes.


Basic Parsers

This package relies on the creation of "parsers" to parse "nodes".

Consider this XML:

<title>Tis is a title</title>
<text>This is some text</text>

Three nodes are present: root, title, and text. All of these must be coded in Python:

from xml_objects import Builder, no_parent

builder = Builder()

def root_node(parent, text):
    """This is the root node, so parent should be no_parent."""
    assert parent is no_parent
    print('Parsing has begun.')

def show_title(parent, text):
    """Because nothing was returned by the root parser, parent should be None."""
    assert parent is None
    print('Title: %s' % text)
    return text

def show_text(parent, text):
    """Because we returned title from the title parser, we can show it now too."""
    print('%s -> %s' % (parent, text))

With setup now complete, we could use the from_string method of Builder to print the messages, like so:



Attributes can be used to provide keyword arguments to your parsers. Consider this example node from the Flask example:

<app name="flask-app" host="" port="8000">

The app parser in `xml_objects/ext/flask.py` expects `name`, `host`, and `port` as keyword arguments, and provides sensible defaults accordingly:

@builder.parser('app') def get_app(parent, text, name=name, host='', port='4000'): """Returns a flask app.""" if parent is not no_parent: raise RuntimeError( 'This must be the top-level tag.\nparent: %r' % parent ) app = Flask(name) app.config['HOST'] = host app.config['PORT'] = int(port) return app

### Storage
While you could use xml_objects to build GUIs with [wxPython](https://wxpython.org/) for example, xml_objects itself doesn't provide any mechanism to store state, so this must be done by the programmer.

For examples, see `xml_objects/ext/wx.py`.

### Iterators
Sometimes it may be desirable to run code after you have created an object, and all child tags have been processed. For this reason, it is possible to use generators in your parsers:

@builder.parser('frame') def get_frame(parent, text): """Create a frame, then finalise it when everyone else has finished with it.""" f = Frame() yield f f.finalise()

If you yield more than once, RuntimeError will be raised.