
Experimental Libraries and Common Tools for Code/Data Analysis

pip install xmode==0.5



Common Tools for Code Analysis


Ready-to-use Tools

xmode provides the tool set ready for immediate use without extending the code.

At this stage, the tool is not yet ready in the form of a standalone command line tool. You will need to clone this repository to use it. For example, to get started,

git clone https://github.com/shiroyuki/xmode.git
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
cd xmode

At this point, to use any tool, the syntax would be

g3 <subcommand>

See the README file of Gallium project for more information.

AWS Log Tailing aws:logs:tail

Currently not really tailing but it is at least pull logs in the last 15 minutes.

Get Started

You can start by running

g3 aws:logs:tail -h

which will show you all available options.


This tool allows you to tab into the data while xmode is still iterating through the events.

Suppose you want to filter the log messages manually.

You write logs.py.

def warning_event_to_stdout(data):
    message = data['message'].strip()

    if '[WARNING]' in message:

To use it, just run this on your terminal.

g3 aws:logs:tail /aws/lambda/foo event:logs.warning_event_to_stdout

The syntax is basically EVENT_TYPE:PYTHON_PATH_TO_CALLBACK. You can have more than one event handlers per event type.

Or suppose you want to print out something when the log pulling is done.

You now updated logs.py.

def on_log_pulling_done():

To use it, just run this on your terminal.

g3 aws:logs:tail /aws/lambda/foo event:logs.warning_event_to_stdout done:on_log_pulling_done