
Run a dork on different search sites

pip install xnldorker==0.1


About - v1.1

This is a tool used to run a dork on different search sites. The available sources are currently: DuckDuckGo, Bing, Startpage, Yahoo, Google, Yandex

IMPORTANT: If you use advanced search operators, be aware that operators that work on some of the sources may not work on others. You may need to use the --sources (and/or --exclude-source) argument to specify the appropriate sources.

WARNING: If you use this tool a lot, then I guess there is the potential to get blocked on these source sites, so use sensibly. Using a VPN will help.


xnldorker supports Python 3.

Install xnldorker in default (global) python environment.

pip install xnldorker


pip install git+https://github.com/xnl-h4ck3r/xnldorker.git -v

You can upgrade with

pip install --upgrade xnldorker


Quick setup in isolated python environment using pipx

pipx install git+https://github.com/xnl-h4ck3r/xnldorker.git


Argument Long Argument Description
-i --input A dork to use on the search sources. If no advanced search operators (e.g. site:, inurl:, intitle:, etc.) are used in the input value, then it is assumed a domain only is passed, and will be prefixed with site:
-o --output The output file that will contain the results (default: output.txt). If piped to another program, output will be written to STDOUT instead.
-ow --output-overwrite If the output file already exists, it will be overwritten instead of being appended to.
-os --output-sources Show the source of each endpoint in the output. Each endpoint will be prefixed, e.g. [ Bing ] https://example.com.
-s --sources Specific sources to use when searching (e.g. -s duckduckgo,bing). Use -ls to display all available sources.
-es --exclude-sources Specific sources to exclude searching (-s google,startpage). Use -ls to display all available sources.
-cs --concurrent-sources The number of sources to search at the same time (default: 2). Passing 0 will run ALL specified sources at the same time (this could be very resource intensive and negatively affect results).
-ls --list-sources List all available sources.
-t --timeout How many seconds to wait for the source to respond (default: 30 seconds)
-sb --show-browser View the browser instead of using a headless browser. This has an advantage because if there is a known anti-bot mechanism, then it will pause for a set time (determined by -abt) so you can manually resolve it before xnldorker continues.
-abt --antibot-timeout How many seconds to wait when the -sb option was used and a known anti-bot mechanism is encountered (default: 90). This is the time you have to manually respond to the anti-bot mechanism before it tries to continue.
--debug Save page contents on error.
-nb --no-banner Hides the tool banner (it is hidden by default if you pipe input to 'xnldorker') output.
--version Show current version number.
-v --verbose Verbose output
-vv --vverbose Increased verbose output


Basic use

xnldorker -i redbull.com -v


echo "redbull.com" | xnldorker -v

(without any advanced search operators (e.g. site:, inurl:, intitle:, etc.) then a domain is assumed and prefied with site:. So in this case, site:redbull.com is searched for)

Capture output

In this example, search google only and save any links for redbull.com that have an extension of .php

xnldorker -i "site:redbull.com ext:php" -s google -v -o redbull_endpoints.txt

The output can also be piped to another command.


  • Using -v/--verbose is always a good idea when you first start using a tool. It will help you understand what the tool is doing and highlight any potential problems too.
  • If you do not need to run silently in the background, I would recommend using the -sb/--show-browser argument because you can see what xnldorker is doing (and if it seems to be working ok), plus if there is any known ant-bot detection recognised (currently not for all sources) then you will be notified and have the option to resolve this before xnldorker continues.
  • If you show the browsers and you get an anti-bot page shown, the process will be paused and wait for the number of seconds specified by -abt/--antobit_timeout (default 90 seconds). However, it you manually respond to the check and want it to resume quicker, you can enter the name of the source (in lowercase) and press ENTER to resume again.
  • The number of concurrent sources processed defaults to 2. This can be changed with -cs/--concurrent-sources. If you are running xnldorker on a low spec VPS, it could be worth setting -cs 1. The higher the value of -cs the quicker the tool will be, but may affect the quality and quantity of results.
  • You may want to run different dorks but write to the same output file. If you use the same output file in -o/--output then any results will be appended to that file automatically (and de-duplicated). But if you want to overwrite it every time, you can use the -ow/--overwrite-output argument.
  • Use the --resubmit-without-subs option to resubmit the same search, but with all previously found subs removed from the search (where possible, dependant on the source).
  • If I was looking at a new target, example.com I would start with running the command below. I would use -v to have more insight into what is happening, -sb to show the browsers so that I could respond to ant-bot mechanism if shown, -rwos to resubmit the same search but excluding the subdomains found in the first search, and -o to specify the output file to save the results:
xnldorker -i "example.com" -v -t 120 -sb -rwos -o example.com_xnldorker.txt
  • After the previous point, I would consider changing my VPN to s different region and re-run to potentially get different results.


If you come across any problems at all, or have ideas for improvements, please feel free to raise an issue on Github. If there is a problem, it will be useful if you can provide the exact command you ran and a detailed description of the problem. If possible, run with -v to reproduce the problem and let me know about any error messages that are given. Also, if you have problems, it can be useful to use the -sb/--show-browser option to see what xnldorker is doing. If you use the --debug option, then xnldorker will try to write a html file of the contents that it got stuck on, e.g. xnldorker_Google_20240423_133700.html. It would also be useful to include these in the github issue.


  • Add more sources.
  • Identify anti bot mechanism pages on other sources (it's only on a few at the moment) so that xnldorker can pause to manually respond if the browser is being viewed.
  • Maybe allow a file of dorks to be passed as input.
  • Find our what search operators work on which sources and adjust the --sources automatically depending on which sources will get the expected results.
  • Add arguments that let you specify a certain time-frame for results which can often be specified with query parameters in the search engine request.
  • Add argument that let you specify a certain Region for results which can often be specified with query parameters in the search engine request.

And finally...

Good luck and good hunting! If you really love the tool (or any others), or they helped you find an awesome bounty, consider BUYING ME A COFFEE! ☕ (I could use the caffeine!)

🤘 /XNL-h4ck3r

Buy Me a Coffee at ko-fi.com