
XRayDawgz XRD image pattern classifier

pip install xraydawgz==0.2


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  • UW DIRECT project of a general XRD image pattern classifier framework for predicting crystal structure.

Table of Contents

  • Background
  • Purpose
  • Repository Structure
  • How to install
  • Examples and Demos
  • How to use our software
  • License


All crystalline materials in nature have chemical and physical properties strongly dependent on atomic structures

  • Single-crystal X-ray diffraction
    • Limitations: nanosized crystals, intergrowth, and defects
  • Powder X-ray diffraction
    • Limitations: complex structures, multiphasic samples, impurities, peak overlaps
  • Alternatives: electron crystallography (EC), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM)
    • Requires considerable expertise on the operation of electron microscopes and crystallography

SOLUTION: to use CNN to predict crystal structure from any XRD pattern


This project will aim to use CNN to predict the crystal structure of a sample based upon its XRD pattern. In all cases, the users will inputting the XRD pattern that they obtained into our XRayDawgz, which will return a predicted crystal structure.

Repository Structure

  |- README.md
  |- XRayDawgz/
      |- __init__.py
      |- core.py
      |- version.py
      |- predict.py
      |- crystal_structure_classifier.h5      
      |- XRD_Images/
        |- Test/
        |- Train/
        |- demo_images/
          |- BCC/
          |- FCC/
      |- Demo/
        |- Demo_FCC_prediction.ipynb
      |- tests/
        |- __init__.py
        |- test_core.py
        |- Images/
        |- cut_image/
          |- Test/
          |- Train/
  |- cut_image/
      |- Test/
      |- Train/
  |- docs/
      |- Tech_review.pdf
      |- functional_spec.md
      |- component_spec.md
  |- icon/
      |- banner.png
      |- icon.png
  |- setup.py
  |- .travis.yml
  |- .coveragerc
  |- .coverage.yml
  |- environment.yml
  |- .gitignore
  |- requirements.txt

How to install

  1. Install tensorflow and keras

    conda install tensorflow

    conda install keras

  2. Use the following method to clone repo

    • press the green botton at the home page of our repo, and choose "Download Zip".

    • unzip the file and you would get the file name "XRayDawgz" in your path.

Examples and Demos

How to use our software

  1. First, the user needs to prepare the XRD diagram pictures which they want to make the prediction. These pictures need to
    match our standard to test.

    • The standard size is 379*288pxi
    • the range of the diffraction angle(2θ) needs to be 0-80 degree
    • the format of the pictures can be .jpg, .npg, .jpeg, .bmp
  2. Next, the user needs to go inside the XRayDawgz/XRayDawgz file, and then import predict

    import predict

  3. Last, predict.crystal_structure("path_to_the_file_included_image"), you can readily check the path by dragging the file

    into the terminal!



PyPI license