
yet another backup utility

backup, rsync
pip install yabu==0.1.2



yet another backup utility

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YABU is a utility that exploiting rsync allows to automatize backup tasks also for remote servers.


YABU required to work the rsync tool, you can easily retrieves it from your package manager:

From AUR (recommended if you using Arch Linux)

YABU is available also as AUR package. Yuo can find it as python-yabu.

From pypi (recommended)

You can install YABU from pypi using pip.

pip install yabu

From source code

An alternative way to install YABU is from the source code, exploiting the setup.py script.

git clone https://github.com/RobertoBochet/yabu.git
cd yabu
python3 setup.py install --user 


yabu -h
usage: yabu [-h] [-c CONFIG_PATH] [-v] [--version]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        configuration file path
  -v                    number of -v defines level of verbosity
  --version             show program's version number and exit

Before start YABU you must create a custom configuration file (see configuration section).


The whole YABU behaviour can be configured with its config.yaml. You can provide to YABU a custom configuration file exploiting argument -c, if you will not do it, YABU will look for it in the default path /etc/yabu/config.yaml.

config.yaml structure

  • tasks [dict<string,dict>] is a dict of the tasks that will be done, each task has a custom name as key and it has a specific struct

    • remote_base_path [string] the base path of the remote server

    • targets [list<string>] a list of the paths that have to be backuped

A complete schema of config file can be found in yabu/resources/config.schema.yaml.