
A simple python app for sending a set of consecutive HTTP requests defined in YAML requests plan.

pip install yaml-requests==0.3.0



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A simple python app for sending a set of consecutive HTTP requests defined in YAML requests plan.


Ensure that you are using Python >= 3.8 with python --version. This app/package is available in PyPI. To install, run:

pip install yaml_requests


The app is used to execute HTTP requests defined in YAML files. The YAML file must contain main-level key requests, that contains an array of requests, where each item of the list is a request object. The request object contains at least a method key (get, post, options, ...) which value is passed to requests.request function, or to requests.Session.request if plan level option session is truthy.

Minimal YAML request plan should thus include requests array, with single item in it:

- get:
    url: https://google.com

In addition to this basic behavior, more advanced features are provided as well:

  • All value fields in requests array items support jinja2 templating.
  • Variables can be defined in YAML request plan and overridden from commandline arguments.
  • Response of the most recent request is stored in response variable as requests.Response object.
  • Responses can be stored as variables with register keyword.
  • Response can be verified with assertions.
  • Plan execution can be repeated by setting repeate_while option.

Advanced Example

Here is an advanced example:

name: Simulate execution of a build from queue
  base_url: http://localhost:5000
  node: default
- name: Get queued items
    url: "{{ base_url }}/queue"
  - name: Queue is not empty
    expression: response.json() | length
  - name: Status code is 200
    expression: response.status_code == 200
  - name: Request took less than 5 seconds
    expression: response.elapsed.total_seconds() < 5
  register: queue_response_1
- name: "Create build for first item in the queue ({{ response.json().0.id }})"
    url: "{{ base_url }}/queue/{{ response.json().0.id }}/init"
      node: "{{ node }}"
  register: build_create
- name: Get queued items
    url: "{{ base_url }}/queue"
  - name: Queue is shorter than initially
    expression: response.json() | length < queue_response_1.json() | length
- name: "Complete the created build ({{ build_create.json().build_id }})"
    url: "{{ base_url }}/builds/{{ build_create.json().build_id }}/complete"
- name: Output build details
    url: "{{ base_url }}/builds/{{ build_create.json().build_id }}"
  output: yaml

Running the Example

This example can be run against the dummy API provided by tst/server/api.py

Start by making sure that flask is installed:

python -m pip install flask

Then run the test server:

python -m flask --app tst/server/api.py run

With the test server running execute the plan using the command:

yaml_requests tst/plans/integration/build_queue.yml

More examples

There are more examples available in tst/plans directory and can be executed as follows:

yaml_requests tst/plans/minimal_plan.yml
yaml_requests tst/plans/integration/build_queue.yml


See yaml_requests --help for full CLI usage.


Check and automatically fix formatting with:

pycodestyle yaml_requests
autopep8 -aaar --in-place yaml_requests

Run static analysis with:

pylint -E --enable=invalid-name,unused-import,useless-object-inheritance yaml_requests

Run unit tests with command:

python3 -m unittest discover -s tst/

Get test coverage with commands:

coverage run --branch --source yaml_requests/ -m unittest discover -s tst/
coverage report -m