parser of YAMLd, a tiny subset of YAML

pip install yamld==0.0.31


yaml-datasets (YAMLd)

YAML datasets (YAMLd) is a tiny subset of YAML designed specifically for representing tabular data (such as CSV). It is particularly useful for datasets with numerous features or lengthy sequences that are hard to read.

YAMLd Rules:

  • The file ends with a top-level key data or dataset that contain the list of entries in the dataset
  • Everything before is considered meta-data


  name: 'embloyee name'
  age: 'age'
  city: 'closest city to adress'

extra: 3.4

  - name: 'John Doe'
    age: 30
    city: 'New York'
  - name: 'Jane Smith'
    age: 25
    city: 'San Francisco'
  - name: 'Bob Johnson'
    age: 35
    city: 'Chicago'

Using a 'mini' version of this, you can remove the feature names from each line as follows.

  - name: 'John Doe'
    age: 30
    city: 'New York'
  - - 'Jane Smith'
    - 25
    - 'San Francisco'
  - - 'Bob Johnson'
    - 35
    - 'Chicago'

You can also remove feature names completly.

Note: It is still experimental, use it with caution.

Convert CSV to YAMLd and vice versa:

csv2yamld <your-csv-file>
yamld2csv <your-yamld-file>

For more details use csv2yamld -h or yamld2csv -h.

Open CSV files with VIM/NVIM

Reading CSV can be annoying, here is a simple solution:

csv2yamld <your-csv-file> --stdout | nvim -c 'set filetype=yaml' -

Of course, you can edit it, save it, and convert it back to CSV using yamld2csv.


pip install -U yamld

To install without virtual environments, you can use pipx.


The main goal is to edit and view your data files with nothing but your text editor. Consequently, a lot of YAML features are not parsed after the top-level key-word data or dataset, as their inclusion could either introduce clutter or hinder the parsing efficiency for dataset. For example, YAML explicit types markings and comments are not supported.

Data Types:

  • Dataset data types:
    • List: surrounded with []
    • String: surrounded with "" or ''
    • Number