
A project for generating YANG tree views.

YANG, tree, libyang, HTML, jstree, yang-model
pip install yangdoc==0.6.0


YANG Documentation Viewer

Very limited YANG Documentation generator based on libyang, with similar output to that of pyang -f jstree. The default output is a standalone HTML file, called yangdoc.html, that can be included in documentation bundles.


See below setup instructions first.

~/src/yangdoc(main)$ python main.py -p yang -m ietf-system -e authentication -e local-users -e ntp -e ntp-udp-port -e timezone-name -m ietf-interfaces -e if-mib
INFO: Parsing ietf-system, enabling features: ['authentication', 'local-users', 'ntp', 'ntp-udp-port', 'timezone-name']
WARNING: Warning: failed to parse module: Data model "ietf-netconf-acm" not found in local searchdirs.: Loading "ietf-netconf-acm" module failed.: Parsing module "ietf-system" failed.
INFO: Parsing ietf-interfaces, enabling features: ['if-mib']
INFO: Processing module ietf-interfaces
INFO: HTML file generated: yangdoc.html
x-www-browser yang_tree_view.html
~/src/yangdoc(main)$ x-www-browser yang_tree_view.html



These instructions have been tested on Linux Mint 21.3, but are mostly the same for other operating systems.

Clone the repository to your home directory:

~$ cd src/
~/src$ git clone https://github.com/troglobit/yangdoc
~/src$ cd yangdoc

Set up your virtual environment, this ensures all python packages installed from requirements.txt are installed only in .venv/:

~/src/yangdoc(main)$ python -m venv .venv
~/src/yangdoc(main)$ source .venv/bin/activate

Install all required packages:

~/src/yangdoc(main)$ sudo apt install libyang2
~/src/yangdoc(main)$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Developer Notes

Use pip-compile from pip-tools to [manage Python requirements][4], this makes life a lot easier since we only need pyproject.toml for all our packaging needs.

To install locally, or just build, verifying pyproject.toml:

~/src/yangdoc(main)$ pip install -e .
~/src/yangdoc(main)$ python -m build

For uploading to PyPi, remember to install twine:

~/src/yangdoc(main)$ pip install twine

Then build and test upload:

~/src/yangdoc(main)$ python -m build
~/src/yangdoc(main)$ twine upload --repository-url https://test.pypi.org/legacy/ dist/*

Verify upload and then upload to PyPi proper:

~/src/yangdoc(main)$ twine upload dist/*