
Reads and write json files as a configuration file, supports nested json values.

pip install yet-another-json-config==0.0.4



Python class to reads and write json files as a configuration file, supports nested json values.


Initializing Config Class

from yet_another_json_config import Config

c = Config('./tests/test.json')

Listing Settings

from yet_another_json_config import Config

c = Config('./tests/test.json')



    "test": "test",
    "varUserTest": "test_$user$",
    "nestedTest": {
        "test": "test"
    "nestedTest2": {
        "nested": {
            "test": "test"
    "get": "test"

Get Setting

Settings can be obtained two ways through the method get

Class Method get

# setting a basic setting

# setting a nested setting via list of strings
c.get('nestedTest2', 'nested', 'test')

# setting a nested setting via tuple
c.get(('nestedTest2', 'nested', 'test'))

key Method

# setting a basic setting

# setting a nested setting

Set Setting

Settings can be both created and modified using the same methods. If a setting does not exist and one of the following methods is used, it will be created. If the setting already exists, it will be updated.

Class Method set

This method supports *args for defining the keys for a setting. This means that a list of strings (not type of list) or a tuple can be passed to set the value.

# setting a basic setting
c.set('test', value='test2')

# setting a nested setting via list of strings
c.set('nestedTest2', 'nested', 'test', value='test2')

# setting a nested setting via tuple
c.set(('nestedTest2', 'nested', 'test'), value='test2')

key Method

# setting a basic setting
c['test'] = 'test2'

# setting a nested setting
c['nestedTest2']['nested']['test'] = 'test2'

Delete Setting

Settings can be deleted two ways through the method delete and the del statement. As well, nested settings can also be deleted. Below are an example of each.

Class Method delete

# deleting a basic setting

# deleting a nested setting
c.delete(('nestedTest2', 'nested', 'test'))

del Statement Method

# deleting a basic setting
del c['test']

# deleting a nested setting
del c['nestedTest2']['nested']['test']

Custom Config Class

Below is an example of a custom config class that is derived off the Config class. In this example it allows for the variable $user$ to be replaced at run time with the user id that is currently running the code. This could be expanded further as well as potential validation of the configuration file after loading via the validate method.

import getpass
from yet_another_json_config import Config

class CustomConfig(Config):
    def _load(self):

        user = getpass.getuser()

        if 'varUserTest' in self._settings:
            # replace special character in filename with the username
            self.set('varUserTest', value=self.get('varUserTest').replace('$user$', user))



    def validate(self):

conf = CustomConfig('./tests/test.json')


API Reference

class Config(config_file_path, file_must_exist=False)

Create an instance of a configuration file.


  • config_file_path (str) - The path to the configuration file.
  • file_must_exist (bool, Optional) - Raises a FileNotFoundError exception if file does not exist. Default value is False.
get(*keys: str)

Returns the value of the keys specified.

  • *keys - (str) - List of str or Tuple of str traversing the settings and return a value if the setting exists. If the setting does not exist, a KeyError exception is raised.
set(*keys: str, value)

Sets the keys to the value specified.

  • *keys - (str) - List of str or Tuple of str traversing the settings to set the specified key to the specified value. If the setting does not exist, the setting is created.

Returns all settings in the configuration.