
Converts YAML input to JSON output.

yaml, yml, json, python
pip install yml2json==1.1.0



Source Open Issues Author

Converts YAML input to JSON output. Relies on PyYaml, and includes its features as well as its caveats.


  • Small. Simple. Fast.
  • Has been tested on Python 2.7.11 and Python 3.5.1.
  • Supports YAML 1.0 and 1.1, but not 1.2.
  • Supports single-document YAML files, but not multi-document YAML files.
  • Supports compressed and pretty JSON output.
  • Supports input from a file or stdin.
  • Seamlessly converts datestamps into ISO-8601 strings.
  • Seamlessly converts YAML sets into JSON lists.


yml2json sample.yml
yml2json sample.yml --pretty
yml2json sample.yml --output sample.json
yml2json sample.yml --output sample.json --pretty

cat sample.yml | yml2json
cat sample.yml | yml2json --pretty
cat sample.yml | yml2json --output sample.json
cat sample.yml | yml2json --output sample.json --pretty


Using Pip:

pip install yml2json


First, install VirtualEnv.

pip install --upgrade virtualenv

Next, activate your virtual environment and install the dependencies.

virtualenv vendor && \
source vendor/bin/activate && \
pip install -r requirements.txt && \
pip install -r requirements2.txt


make test


Here's the process for contributing:

  1. Fork yml2json to your GitHub account.
  2. Clone your GitHub copy of the repository into your local workspace.
  3. Write code, fix bugs, and add tests with 100% code coverage.
  4. Commit your changes to your local workspace and push them up to your GitHub copy.
  5. You submit a GitHub pull request with a description of what the change is.
  6. The contribution is reviewed. Maybe there will be some banter back-and-forth in the comments.
  7. If all goes well, your pull request will be accepted and your changes are merged in.

Authors, Copyright & Licensing

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.

Licensed for use under the terms of the MIT license.