
A very simple module for HTTP/1.1 requests.

pip install yrequests==0.1.0



A very simple module for HTTP/1.1 requests. It is based on python-requests module.

What and Why

yrequest is just wrapper for requests functions, but it handles connection and HTTP errors silently.

How to use

from yrequests import YRequests
req = YRequests()  # you can pass "headers" (dict) or a "timeout" (secs) too
result = req.get('http://url.com/a/b/c', params={'q': 'apple'})
if result['ok']:
    print(result['text'])  # If you except a JSON uses result['json']
    # ...and other stuffs when everything is fine
    # Connections, HTTP and general errors
    print(result['error'])  # or result['status_code']
    # and other stuffs when an error occurs

You can also use post, put, delete, head and options. These (HTTP) methods receive the same parameters of requests module. If you need instructions of how requests module works take a look at: http://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/user/quickstart/


To install yrequests just use pip.

pip install yrequests

YRequests class

YRequests(timeout=60, headers=None)

  • timeout: Default timeout (seconds) for all requests.
  • headers: Default headers (dict) for all requests.

YRequests.get(url, *args, **kwargs)

YRequests.post(url, *args, **kwargs)

YRequests.delete(url, *args, **kwargs)

YRequests.put(url, *args, **kwargs)

YRequests.head(url, *args, **kwargs)

YRequests.options(url, *args, **kwargs) Make a request using the respective HTTP method. The args and kwargs are passed to the respective requests.<method>.

  • url: The URL.
  • args, kwargs: passed to requests module (as requests.get(url, *args, **kwargs))
  • Returns a dict with the result. See Result above for more details.

To know how these methods work take a look at requests documentation.


The methods get, post, put, delete, head and options returns a dict object:

result = {
    'ok': <bool>,
    'error': <str|None>,
    'error_type': <str|None>,
    'response': <requests.response|None>,
    'headers': <dict>,
    'status_code': <int|None>,
    'content_type': <str|None>,
    'text': <str|None>,
    'json': <str|None>,

Result keys:

  • ok: True if everything is fine. Always check this value.
  • error: Textual error (when ok is False).
  • error_type: A string with the error type:
    • general: General error.
    • connection: DNS problem, connection refused, etc. The only exception is timed out that has its own code (above).
    • timeout: Connection timed out.
    • http: HTTP errors like 404, 403, 500, etc.
    • json: "Content-Type" header is indicated as JSON but the content is not a valid JSON.
  • response: A response object (same of requests module). You can use as fallback to check informations that are not handled by this class.
  • headers: Dictionary with the response headers (same of requests.response.headers module).
  • status_code: Integer of HTTP status code (200, 404, 500, etc).
  • content_type: The Content-Type header value.
  • text: The content of response (if any). It's always unicode.
  • json: A dictionary of the content if the "Content-Type" header is indicated as JSON.

Other example

This example makes a request on Facebook Graph API.

from yrequests import YRequests

def get_facebook_me(req):
    params = {'fields': 'id,name', 'access_token': 'XXXxxx...'}
    # Note that the "get" method uses "user-agent" and "extra-header" headers.
    result = req.get('https://graph.facebook.com/me', params=params, headers={'extra-header': 'other-header-value'})
    if not result['ok']:
        return {}
    data = result['json']
    print('My name is %(name)s, my Facebook ID is %(id)s' % data)
    return data

# YRequests only accepts two optional parameters: headers and timeout
req = YRequests(headers={'user-agent': 'BugBot/1.0'}, timeout=30)
user_dict = get_facebook_me(req)


If you found a bug, typo or bad coding you can contribute to this project! Send a pull request or contact yoshiodeveloper@gmail.com.