
A library for analyzing large batches of A Link to the Past Randomizer spoiler logs

pip install z3rspoilerlib==0.1.0



z3rspoilerlib is a python library for analyzing spoiler logs produced by the A Link To The Past Randomizer (https://www.alttpr.com). It returns numbers in the form of integers or table-like dictionaries for further analysis and has some other helpful functions and variables. The current version is a pre-release version subject to change at any time.

Table of Contents

  1. Getting Started
  2. SeedBulk Methods
  3. SeedSingle Class
  4. SeedSingle Attributes
  5. SeedSingle Methods
  6. Item Variables
  7. Location Variables
  8. Loading Individual Seeds
  9. Todo
  10. v30.4 Spoiler Logs

Getting Started

The recommended way to install is to use pip. You can use the command pip install z3rspoilerlib or pip3 install z3rspoilerlib depending on which version of pip you're using. To use it in a script, put import z3rspoilerlib at the top or use a shorthand like import z3rspoilerlib as zsl.

Once you've got it installed and imported, you can begin by creating an instance of the SeedBulk class, which accepts a directory containing spoiler logs as an argument and prepares them to be used later. It also accepts the game state(open, standard, or inverted) as a second argument with None as the default. For example you can use, batch = zsl.SeedBulk('spoilers-304-norg', 'open') to load a directory of open mode seeds named "spoilers-304-norg." If you don't pass a directory, the program will look in the current directory. It will try to load all .txt files, so make sure you only have spoiler logs in the directory you want it to load from.

SeedBulk Methods

The SeedBulk class has a few handy built in methods you can use to count items and locations which return integers and table-like dictionaries. Items and locations should be passed as they appear in the spoiler logs. If there are two different spellings for a region, use the spelling of the key containing multiple locations, not the spelling used in individual locations(e.g. use "Dark Palace", not "Palace of Darkness".) In addition to the regions defined by the spoiler logs, there are some custom regions included that can be used as well. These are listed below in the SeedSingle Attributes section.

count_item_in_loc(item, loc): Counts how many times item appears in loc(a specific item location, a region, or a custom region) in the batch. Returns an integer.

count_where(item): Returns a dictionary of location-number pairs counting how many times item appeared in a given location.

count_what(loc): Returns a dictionary of item-number pairs counting how many times that item appeared in loc. Must be one specific location, not a region.

count_where_if(item_a, item_b, loc_b): Returns a dictionary with location-number pairs that count where item_a appears given that item_b is in loc_b(specific location, region, or custom region). Returns None instead of an empty dictionary.

count_what_if(loc_a, item_b, loc_b): Returns a dictionary with item-number pairs that counts what items appear in loc_a(must be one specific location) given that item_b is in loc_b(specific location, region, or custom region). Returns None instead of an empty dictionary.

SeedSingle Class

When SeedBulk loads the spoiler logs, it creates a SeedSingle object for each individual log. These objects have their own methods and attributes you can use. To iterate over these instead of using the built in methods, create an instance of the class and use a for loop like so: for i in batch.load_seeds():. batch.load_seeds() is a generator expression that loads these objects into memory one at a time designed such that it will use very little memory when working with large amounts of logs. Inside this loop you can use the SeedSingle methods and attributes. Additionally, SeedBulk has an attribute spoiler_count with the number of spoiler logs in the batch.

SeedSingle Attributes

seed_dict: The seed's unaltered spoiler log as a dictionary.

world: A dictionary containing information about the world with the following keys:

  • State: the game state
  • Crystals: a list of all crystal dungeons
  • Pendants: a list of all pendant dungeons
  • Red Crystals: crystals 5 & 6
  • Green Pendant: the green pendant dungeon
  • TR Medallion
  • MM Medallion

location_by_item: A dictionary of unique items as keys and their location as values.

custom_region_dict: A dictionary that is like the original log, but with custom regions. Current custom regions are:

  • Kakariko: Items in Kakariko except locations gated by another item(Sick Kid, Magic Bat) and Race Game
  • South Shore: Dam to Ice Rod Cave
  • Zora Area: Waterfall chests, Zora Ledge, and Zora
  • Sahas Hut
  • Village Of Outcasts: Chest Game, Brewery, and C-Shaped House
  • TT First Four: The first four chests in Thieves' Town
  • Hookshot Cave
  • Superbunny Cave
  • North Dark World: Bumper Ledge and Graveyard Ledge
  • Smith Sequence: Smith Item and Purple Chest
  • Pyramid Fairy
  • Waterfall Fairy
  • Hype Cave
  • Mire Shed
  • TR Mimic Cave: All items in Turtle Rock plus the item in Mimic Cave
  • Sphere One Stanard

SeedSingle Methods

get_location_region_by_item(): Returns a dictionary with unique items as keys and a tuple containing the location and region for that item as the value.

get_items_by_region(region): Returns a list of items in the given region. Does not include dungeon items.

make_flat_loc_dict(seed_dict): Returns a flattened version of the seed dictionary with specific locations as keys and items as values. There are no nested key-value pairs as there are in the original spoiler logs.

Loading Individual Seeds

If you only want to load one seed as a SeedSingle object you can use zsl.load_single(id, game_state, seed_dir) where id is the string at the end of the file name, game_state is the state(default is open), and the optional seed_dir argument takes a subdirectory that the seed is in. If seed_dir is not passed, the function will look in the current directory.

Item Variables

This library has an items submodule with some helpful variables:

  • prog_items: A tuple containing all items in the game that can be required for progression.
  • nice_items: A tuple containing nice to have but never required (Half Magic and Silver Arrows.)
  • other_items: A tuple containing other unique items (Single Arrow and Bug Net.)
  • fetch_items: A tuple containing fetch quest items (Shovel, Mushroom, Powder.)
  • unique_items: A tuple containing the elements of the above tuples.
  • bottle_items: A tuple containing all possible bottle items.
  • small_keys: A tuple containing all small keys.
  • big_keys: A tuple containing all big keys.
  • compasses: A tuple containing all compasses.
  • maps: A tuple containing all maps.

Location Variables

The locations sub module has a tuple containing all 216 locations in the game, simply named `locations`.


  • Re-implement current functionality and future components as binary Rust extensions for speed. Python is rather slow here. Pre-building the heaviest parts in Rust to be distributed with the python wheel will allow it to be sped up while maintaining the relative simplicity of python syntax.
  • Add a module containing requirements for each location which can be used for package functions and in user scripts.
  • Write "solvers" for determining whether a seed is Agahnim-required or pedestal-required, maybe a generic solver interface that will allow users to model specific situations and return numbers/probabilities
  • Write a SeedBulk method or methods that can accept more generic conditionals as arguments than the current methods to simplify user scripts; they won't have to write as much custom code
  • Refactor plus additional support for keysanity, maybe glitched modes and other goals as well. Initial focus is on Normal, Standard/Open/Inverted, Defeat Ganon settings.

v30.4 Spoiler Logs