
A Python Library for Islamic Financial Management.

accounting, blockchain, haul, haul-cycle, ledger, library, nisab, zakat, zakat-calculator
pip install zakat==0.2.5


☪️ Zakat: A Python Library for Islamic Financial Management

** We must pay Zakat if the remaining of every transaction reaches the Haul and Nisab limits **



Zakat is a user-friendly Python library designed to simplify the tracking and calculation of Zakat, a fundamental pillar of Islamic finance. Whether you're an individual or an organization, Zakat provides the tools to accurately manage your Zakat obligations.

Key Features:

  • Transaction Tracking: Easily record both income and expenses with detailed descriptions, ensuring comprehensive financial records.

  • Automated Zakat Calculation: Automatically calculate Zakat due based on the Nisab (minimum threshold), Haul (time cycles) and the current market price of silver, simplifying compliance with Islamic financial principles.

  • Customizable Nisab: Set your own Nisab value based on your preferred calculation method or personal financial situation.

  • Customizable Haul: Set your own Haul cycle based on your preferred calender method or personal financial situation.

  • Multiple Accounts: Manage Zakat for different assets or accounts separately for greater financial clarity.

  • Import/Export: Seamlessly import transaction data from CSV files and export calculated Zakat reports in JSON format for further analysis or record-keeping.

  • Data Persistence: Securely save and load your Zakat tracker data for continued use across sessions.

  • History Tracking: Optionally enable a detailed history of actions for transparency and review (can be disabled optionally).


  • Accurate Zakat Calculation: Ensure precise calculation of Zakat obligations, promoting financial responsibility and spiritual well-being.

  • Streamlined Financial Management: Simplify the management of your finances by keeping track of transactions and Zakat calculations in one place.

  • Enhanced Transparency: Maintain a clear record of your financial activities and Zakat payments for greater accountability and peace of mind.

  • User-Friendly: Easily navigate through the library's intuitive interface and functionalities, even without extensive technical knowledge.


  • Tailor the library's settings (e.g., Nisab value and Haul cycles) to your specific needs and preferences.

Who Can Benefit:

  • Individuals: Effectively manage personal finances and fulfill Zakat obligations.

  • Organizations: Streamline Zakat calculation and distribution for charitable projects and initiatives.

  • Islamic Financial Institutions: Integrate Zakat into existing systems for enhanced financial management and reporting.


Get Started:

Install the Zakat library using pip:

pip install zakat

Explore the documentation, source code and examples to begin tracking your Zakat and achieving financial peace of mind in accordance with Islamic principles.