
A small zendesk export tool

pip install zendesk-exporter==0.0.3



Exports data from Zendesk API to excel or csv


  1. Open a command prompt and run

    sudo easy_install pip

    pip is a tool that lets python developers share code.

  2. Now, run

    pip install zendesk_exporter

    This installs the exporter to your computer

  3. Now, run

    zendesk_exporter job_file.json

    job_file.json is a file that the program needs to be able to find. job_file.json should look like this:

    "domain_name": "XXX",
    "email": "XXX",
    "api_key": "XXX",
    "start_date": "2018-06-27",
    "end_date": "2018-06-30",
    "fetch_comments": true,
    "output_file_name": "last_6_months",
    "output_file_type": "csv",
    "fetch_all_ticket_data": false

You can change the parameters in this file to change how the program behaves.

Parameters explained:

  • domain_name: This is what appears in the url when you visit zendesk. https://your-domain-name.zendesk.com
  • email: Your email address for authentication.
  • api_key: Your api key for authentication. This is basically a password.
  • start_date: The exclusive start date
  • end_date: The exclusive end date
  • fetch_comments: Will download all the comments for all the tickets it finds. Can be time consuming.
  • output_file_name: What to name the output file
  • output_file_type: Options are csv or excel.
  • fetch_all_ticket_data: Will download all ticket data. Can be time consuming.