A framework for deep learning energy measurement and optimization.

deep-learning, power, energy, sustainability, mlsys
pip install zeus-ml==0.4.0


Zeus logo

Deep Learning Energy Measurement and Optimization

Slack workspace Docker Hub Homepage Apache-2.0 License

Project News

Zeus is a library for (1) measuring the energy consumption of Deep Learning workloads and (2) optimizing their energy consumption.

Zeus is part of The ML.ENERGY Initiative.

Repository Organization

├── zeus/                # ⚡ Zeus Python package
│   ├── optimizer/       #    - A collection of optimizers for time and energy
│   ├── monitor/         #    - Programmatic power and energy measurement tools
│   ├── utils/           #    - Utility functions and classes
│   ├── _legacy/         #    - Legacy code mostly to keep our papers reproducible
│   ├── device.py        #    - Abstraction layer over compute devices
│   └── callback.py      #    - Base class for callbacks during training
├── docker/              # 🐳 Dockerfiles and Docker Compose files
├── examples/            # 🛠️ Zeus usage examples
├── capriccio/           # 🌊 A drifting sentiment analysis dataset
└── trace/               # 🗃️ Training and energy traces for various GPUs and DNNs

Getting Started

Please refer to our Getting Started page. After that, you might look at

Docker image

We provide a Docker image fully equipped with all dependencies and environments. Refer to our Docker Hub repository and Dockerfile.


We provide working examples for integrating and running Zeus in the examples/ directory.


Zeus is rooted on multiple research papers. Even more research is ongoing, and Zeus will continue to expand and get better at what it's doing.

  1. Zeus (2023): Paper | Blog | Slides
  2. Chase (2023): Paper
  3. Perseus (2023): Paper | Blog

Other Resources

  1. Energy-Efficient Deep Learning with PyTorch and Zeus (PyTorch conference 2023): Recording | Slides


Jae-Won Chung (jwnchung@umich.edu)