
A Rails Engine using ActiveRecord to cache results of HTTP scrapes

gem install active_scraper -v 0.0.1



ActiveScraper is meant to simplify the caching of remote data by storing data objects, such as downloaded webpages, as ActiveRecord database objects for future querying. It is a Rails Engine that you can mount on to an existing Rails app.

This library is poorly named because it's not really a web-scraping framework. It's just a strategy for dealing cached content that you've downloaded from the web, which frequently for me consists of webpages from which I'm trying to extract data.

Think of it as VCR, but instead of being used for testing, it's used in the prototyping of data collection.

Proposed use case

Here's a common situation I find myself in:

I want to download all of the U.S. Supreme Court's opinions, at least the ones posted on That means spidering the Opinions index page and then downloading each of the PDF links, such as this one for VANCE v. BALL STATE UNIVERSITY.

This is a trivial scraping exercise, but the problem for me and my OCD is...where do I put these files? Because generally I don't know what I want to do with this raw "data", but I do like getting the scraping out of the way so I don't have to revisit the source website during the development of a project. But then I spend all this time setting up a "datastore" directory, pointing to it in a config file, ignoring it in gitignore so I don't dump 500MB of raw HTML into the repo, and rigging a system so that future requests for the webpages hits the datastore cache, which requires coming up a naming system so that URLs map to something on the file system.

And then that's usually when my interest in data exploration ends and I go back to reading Twitter.

But with ActiveScraper, I have a set of simple methods to consistently normalize and store Web requests in a database.

So instead of coming up with a naming system in which:

– maps to:

/Hard Drive/app/datastore/

– with ActiveScraper, I know that the following calls:


– will all fetch the same cached data response, unless I manually trigger a refresh from the data source:

ActiveScraper.get('', expires: 5.days.ago)

# Note: this is not implemented yet, as of version 0.0.1

And for cases in which the query parameters are things that are inconsequential to the actual response, or, that I don't want stored as plaintext:

ActiveScraper.get('', obfuscate_query: [:key, :user] )
ActiveScraper.get('', obfuscate_query: [:key, :user])

Both of the above requests will be normalized to one canonical URI:

Why ActiveRecord?

So why not use the far more mature and better-designed VCR library, which, besides being better, doesn't depend on the cruft of ActiveRecord storage? Good question! Though I'm sure you could jury-rig VCR to handle your data requests, there's not much of an API for customizing the freshness of cached data. And at least with a database, you have some flexibility in queries, such as being able to count how many requests you've made to that had the particular endpoint of /v1/data/widgets/*.

On the other hand, an actual document store, through something like Mongoid, is obviously the logical data store. But I don't make many apps using Mongo, so ActiveRecord it is.

Sample usage

resp = ActiveScraper.get("")

# Now download each PDF"table.datatables tr td:nth-child(4) a").each do |a|
    next if a['href'].nil?
    link = "" + a['href']
    puts "Downloading #{link}..."
    sleep 0.5

The result of this is that your Rails application will have a ActiveScraper::CachedResponse for each of the PDF and HTML files collected. There will also be a corresponding ActiveScraper::CachedRequest which keeps a normalized version of the request used to get that response.

Every subsequent request for these URLs will fetch from your ActiveRecord collection as opposed to revisiting the website.


As of Version 0.0.1...I would not actually use this for anything but the most basic and common kinds of GET requests.