
Wraps RoleModel up to make role based authorization really easy in Rails >= 3.2.

gem install acts_as_roleable -v 0.3.2


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Adds role based authorization to Rails using the lovely RoleModel and the scopes of Canard. No Authorization, just roles.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'acts_as_roleable'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install acts_as_roleable


So how do I use this?

Well, let's start with a simple User class with roles:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  extend ActsAsRoleable::Roleatize

  acts_as_roleable roles: [:tester, :standard, :admin]

Now, you have a few different things you can try out.

You can see if a user is of certain types:

user = :tester)
user.tester?             # => true
user.standard?           # => false
user.admin?              # => false

# or the alternative syntax
user.has_role? :tester   # => true
user.has_role? :standard # => false
user.has_role? :admin    # => false

But why stop there?

user = [:tester, :admin])
user.tester?    # => true
user.standard?  # => false
user.admin?     # => true

user.has_any_role? :tester, :standard   # => true
user.has_all_roles? :tester, :standard  # => false

That's all great, but why am I including a gem for a few bool checks? Well, let's show off the real magic.

# lets assume that we have *lots* of users in our User model
User.admins       # => returns all Users that have the :admin role
User.non_admins   # => returns all Users that *do not* have the :admin role

User.with_any_role :admin, :tester    # => returns all users that have either :admin OR :tester
User.with_all_roles :admin, :tester   # => returns all users that have both :admin AND :tester

How do I use this with Rails?

Just like above, let's say we have a User model that you want to add roles to. Just use the extend ActsAsRoleable::Roleatize method, and then use the acts_as_roleable method. Example below:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  extend ActsAsRoleable::Roleatize

  acts_as_roleable roles: [:tester, :standard, :owner]

And be sure to add a roles_mask:integer column to the associated table. You can change the name of this column by passing the roles_mask attribute:

acts_as_roleable roles: [:tester, :standard, :owner], roles_mask: :my_fancy_roles_mask

BE WARNED: the roles are stored internally as a bitmask, so its based on order of the roles, not the name. This means it's super easy to rename roles, but don't go changing the order around (it doesn't mean anything anyways, so nothing to worry about!)

What if I don't use Rails but want to use acts_as_roleable?

Unfortunately, too bad for you ):

This gem is only useful if you have an active_record backing, since it's primary purpose is to add handy scopes to your model. If you want just roles, why not check out RoleModel, which is what backs the roles in ActsAsRoleable!


  1. Fork it (<my-github-username>/acts_as_roleable/fork)
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request