
Support code and rake tasks for running Rails on top of Dockerized services.

gem install docker-stack -v 0.2.3



Rails generators, Rake tasks, and support modules to run dependencies in Docker containers.

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Docs: Documentation Status API Docs Apache 2.0 License

Originally written as a drop-in replacement for solr_wrapper and fcrepo_wrapper to ease development and testing of Samvera applications, but with an eye toward adding support for additional services.


Docker::Stack depends on Docker for container virtualization. Before using this gem to start or manage support services, please download and install the Docker Community Edition.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'docker-stack'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install docker-stack


Initial Setup

From your application root, run:

$ rails generate docker:stack:install

This creates the Docker configuration files for the development and test environments, and adds lib/tasks/docker.rake to provide the Docker-related rake tasks to your application.

Then run the service generator for each support service your application needs:

$ rails generate docker:stack:service:fedora
$ rails generate docker:stack:service:solr

This will create the Docker service definitions for Fedora and Solr and drop the appropriate configuration files to point to them in the config directory. The Solr generator also creates a solr directory containing default core configuration files.

To do all of the above with one command, you can run:

$ rails generate docker:stack:install --services fedora,solr

Controlling the Stack

Docker::Stack defines a bunch of rake tasks to control the Docker services (and sometimes do other things). These are defined in your application in lib/tasks/docker.rake, and can be customized according to your application's needs. The following descriptions apply to the default tasks installed by the docker:stack:install generator.

Environment-Specific Tasks

Every docker:dev task is also available as a docker:test task. The gem forwards different ports to the host in development and test modes, so both stacks can be running at once. The only difference between the two is that the test stack cleans up after itself automatically when it terminates, while the development stack keeps its data around.

Spin up the stack in the foreground
$ rake docker:dev:up

The required Docker machine images will be downloaded and registered the first time you run this command. Subsequent runs will be much faster.

Spin up the stack in the background
$ rake docker:dev:daemon
Terminate running services

Even if they're running in the foreground in another tab!

$ rake docker:dev:down
Display the status of all running services
$ rake docker:dev:status
Clean up all persistent data
$ rake docker:dev:clean
Display container logs
$ rake docker:dev:logs

Similar to tail -f on a file. Add a SERVICES variable to display only specific services' logs (e.g., rake docker:dev:logs SERVICES=fedora)

Reset the entire stack
$ rake docker:dev:reset

AKA "The Nuclear Option." Removes all containers, data, and machine images associated with this stack. This will result in Docker images being re-downloaded and initialized the next time you spin things up.

Convenience Tasks

Run application tests under the test stack
$ rake docker:spec
  1. Spins up the test environment
  2. Invokes the db:setup task
  3. Invokes the first task it finds named spec or rspec or matching the value of the SPEC_TASK environment variable
  4. Terminates and cleans up the test environment


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License.