
This validator uses modern email validation with URI to handle the nuances of checking email throughout your application. Rather than customizing a bunch of random regex that you found on various stack overflow pages, this lets you include a single validator throughout your entire application. It can handle single emails, or even the odd case of multiple emails in a long string.

gem install email_valid8 -v 0.0.1


Gem Version Codeship Status for ohboyd/email_valid8

Email Valid8

Replace the Random Regex you Copied from Stack Overflow!

This gem is meant to be an easy mixin for consistent email address validation using Ruby's standard URI library. It can be used to take single email addresses, or even multiple email addresses separated by a comma.


Add it to your Gemfile using:

gem 'email_valid8'

Next, install the gem by running:

bundle install


In Application

In your model, you can include the following if you have a single attribute named email that needs to be checked. This will use ActiveModel::Validator to validate the field when your other validations are being run.

validates_with EmailAddressValidator, fields: %i[email]

Another feature of this gem is its ability to handle multiple emails in a comma-separated string. If you have an attribute that takes a longer string of emails named whole_lotta_emails, you can pass in the multiples: true attribute in order to validate all of those emails.

validates_with EmailAddressValidator, fields: %i[whole_lotta_emails], multiples: true


Steps to debug this gem, if there are any future issues:

  • Add s.add_dependency('pry', '~> 0') to the gemspec
  • Add require 'pry' to spec_helper.rb
  • Run gem build email_valid8.gemspec in the terminal to rebuild
  • Run bundle install

Check out Faker Gem if you haven't! Made testing this gem a breeze.