
Csv Lookup Filter

gem install embulk-filter-csv_lookup -v 0.1.5


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CSV lookup filter plugin for Embulk


An Embulk filter plugin for Lookup Transformation with CSV


  • csv_lookup: Required attributes for the LookUp Filter Plugin -
    • filters:
      • type: Name of lookup type (required)
    • mapping_from: (Name of columns to be matched with table 2 columns) (required)
      • Name of column-1: column name-1 from input file
      • Name of column-2: column name-2 from input file etc ...
    • mapping_to: (Name of columns to be matched with table 1 columns) (required)
      • Name of column-1: column name-1 from input file
      • Name of column-2: column name-2 from input file
    • new_columns: (New generated column names) (required)
      • Name-1,Type-1: Any Name, Type of the name { name: car_id, type: long }
      • Name-2,Type-2: Any Name, Type of the name { name: category, type: string }
      • Name-3,Type-3: Any Name, Type of the name { name: fuel_capacity, type: string }
    • path_of_lookup_file: lookup file path (required)

Example - columns

Customer.csv for table 1 is as follows :-

id  customer_name       address                     email                       car_name    company
1   John Doe            123 Main St, Anytown USA    john.doe@example.com        Civic       Honda
2   Jane Smith          456 Elm St, Anytown USA     jane.smith@example.com      E-Class     Mercedes-Benz
3   Bob Johnson         789 Oak St, Anytown USA     bob.johnson@example.com     GLE-Class   Mercedes-Benz
4   Amanda Hernandez    999 Cedar St, Anytown USA   amanda.hernandez@example.com 911        119
5   Tom Brown           567 Pine St, Anytown USA    tom.brown@example.com       C-Class     Mercedes-Benz
6   Samantha Davis      890 Cedar St, Anytown USA   samantha.davis@example.com  Civic       Honda
7   Mike Wilson         1234 Spruce St, Anytown USA mike.wilson@example.com     GLE-Class   Mercedes-Benz
8   Jason Brown         888 Pine St, Anytown USA    jason.brown@example.com     911         Porsche
9   David Rodriguez     9010 Oak St, Anytown USA    david.rodriguez@example.com GLC-Class   Mercedes-Benz
10  Mark Davis          666 Spruce St, Anytown USA  mark.davis@example.com      C-Class     Mercedes-Benz
11  Chris Thompson      222 Cedar St, Anytown USA   chris.thompson@example.com  Cayenne     Porsche
12  Linda Young         555 Birch St, Anytown USA   linda.young@example.com     RAV4
13  Kevin Hernandez     444 Maple St, Anytown USA   kevin.hernandez@example.com 911         119

Car.csv for table 2 is as follows :-

car_id  model       brand            category   fuel_capacity  
87      GLE-Class   Mercedes-Benz   SUV         80
101     Cayenne     Porsche         SUV         75
119     911         Porsche         Sports Car  64
205     Accord      Honda           Sedan       56
334     Pilot       Honda           SUV         70
434     CR-v        Honda           SUV         64      
559     C-Class     Mercedes-Benz   Sedan       66
603     Civic       Honda           Sedan       42
697     E-Class     Mercedes-Benz   Sedan       72
812     GLC-Class   Mercedes-Benz   Sedan       68                            

As shown in yaml below, columns mentioned in mapping_from will be mapped with columns mentioned in mapping_to
ie: car_name : model
company : brand

After successful mapping an Output.csv file containing the columns mentioned in new_columns will be generated

Output File generated :-

id  customer_name       address                     email                       car_name    company         car_id  category   fuel_capacity  
1   John Doe            123 Main St, Anytown USA    john.doe@example.com        Civic       Honda           603     Sedan       42
2   Jane Smith          456 Elm St, Anytown USA     jane.smith@example.com      E-Class     Mercedes-Benz   697     Sedan       72 
3   Bob Johnson         789 Oak St, Anytown USA     bob.johnson@example.com     GLE-Class   Mercedes-Benz   87      SUV         80
4   Amanda Hernandez    999 Cedar St, Anytown USA   amanda.hernandez@example.com 911        119              0         
5   Tom Brown           567 Pine St, Anytown USA    tom.brown@example.com       C-Class     Mercedes-Benz   559     Sedan       66   
6   Samantha Davis      890 Cedar St, Anytown USA   samantha.davis@example.com  Civic       Honda           603     Sedan       42   
7   Mike Wilson         1234 Spruce St, Anytown USA mike.wilson@example.com     GLE-Class   Mercedes-Benz   87      SUV         80   
8   Jason Brown         888 Pine St, Anytown USA    jason.brown@example.com     911         Porsche         119     Sport Car   64   
9   David Rodriguez     9010 Oak St, Anytown USA    david.rodriguez@example.com GLC-Class   Mercedes-Benz   812     SUV         68
10  Mark Davis          666 Spruce St, Anytown USA  mark.davis@example.com      C-Class     Mercedes-Benz   559     Sedan       66   
11  Chris Thompson      222 Cedar St, Anytown USA   chris.thompson@example.com  Cayenne     Porsche         101     SUV         75   
12  Linda Young         555 Birch St, Anytown USA   linda.young@example.com     RAV4        \N               0  
13  Kevin Hernandez     444 Maple St, Anytown USA   kevin.hernandez@example.com 911         119              0                                                         
  - type: csv_lookup
      - car_name
      - company
      - model
      - brand
      - { name: car_id, type: long }
      - { name: category, type: string }
      - { name: fuel_capacity, type: string }
    path_of_lookup_file: "..path../car.csv"


  1. mapping_from attribute should be in the same the order as mentioned in the input file.
  2. In case with JDBC plugin if any integer column returned as float/decimal then use to cast that column as long as below
     id: {value_type: long}
  1. Matching columns data types must be int,long and String


Run example:

$ ./gradlew package
$ embulk run -I ./lib seed.yml

Deployment Steps:

Install ruby in your machine
$ gem install gemcutter (For windows OS)

$ ./gradlew gemPush
$ gem build NameOfYourPlugins (example: embulk-filter-csv_lookup)
$ gem push embulk-filter-csv_lookup-0.1.0.gem (You will get this name after running above command)

Release gem:

$ ./gradlew gemPush


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