
This is a Git branch selection tool. It provides a way to quickly look back at your most recently checked-out branches. You can list the branches, use the selector tool to add the branch name to your clipboard, or checkout to the selected branch.

gem install git-branch-selector -v 0.0.7


Git Branch Selector

Git Branch Selector is a tool the provides easy navigation of your most recently checked-out branches.

  • View list of most recent branches in order of checkout
  • Quickly choose a branch and copy to your clipboard
  • Quickly choose a branch and switch to it


Install Git Branch Selector

gem install git-branch-selector

Run the Git Branch Selector Tool

git-branch-selector [-n COUNT] [-c] [-l]

Nice to have

Add a function to you shell configuration of choice with a shortcut to the git-branch-selector command in the terminal. Example:

<!-- .zshrc -->
<function-name>() {
  git-branch-selector "$@"

Available Command Line Options

  1. No flag is the default select functionality. The branch selected from the select menu will be checked out.
  2. -l or --list: Displays a numbered list of your most recently checked-out branch in descending order (1 being the most recent). Cannot be used with -c flag.
  3. -c or --copy: Displays a select menu. On select of the menu item, the selected branch will be added to your clipboard. Cannot be used with -l flag.
  4. -n COUNT or --num=COUNT: The number of branches to display in either list, copy, or select mode. Default is 15 branches

Select Menu Usage

When using the select or copy functionality, a select menu is presented.

  1. To navigate the list, use the ↑/↓ keys.
  2. To select an option, use the Enter key on the highlighted branch.
  3. Begin typing to filter the list.