
The library provides an interface for reading public activities of a Google+ user.

gem install googleplus-reader -v 0.0.5


GooglePlus Reader Gem Version

The library provides an interface for reading public activities of a Google+ user. A life demo can be found here and its source code here. Best enjoyed responsibly.


In Gemfile:

gem 'googleplus-reader'

In terminal:

$ bundle

The code is written in CoffeeScript and relies on jQuery; however, all dependencies in this regard are purposely omitted. So make sure you have a proper setup (see below).


Here is an example in the context of a Rails application.

In Gemfile:

gem 'coffee-rails'

In terminal:

$ bundle

In app/views/layouts/application.html.haml:

= javascript_include_tag '//'
= javascript_include_tag :application

In app/assets/javascripts/

//= require googleplus.reader

reader = new GooglePlus.Reader(id: 'user_id', key: 'api_key') (posts) ->
  console.log(post) for post in posts

Here user_id is the identifier of a Google+ user, and api_key is your Google+ API key. post is exactly what Google has to say about each post without any additional preprocessing. You might want to inspect it and fetch what is needed for your application.

A more interesting example with photos that a user publishes:

//= require
//= require googleplus.reader
//= require googleplus.photoreader

reader = new GooglePlus.PhotoReader(id: 'user_id', key: 'api_key') (photos) ->
  console.log(photo.attributes) for photo in photos

photo is an instance of GooglePlus.Photo. Right now, attributes contains only url, date, and width (if available), but other parameters can be easily added via a pull request >:)~ The only method that photo has is load, which can be used as follows:

photo.load().done (element) ->

photo.load(width: 300).done (element) ->

photo.load(width: 1000).done (element) ->

load constructs an URL referencing the photo of the desired size and preloads it using an img element, which is passes to done once the photo has been loaded.


  1. Fork the project.
  2. Implement your idea.
  3. Create a pull request.