
Please follow to GitHub repository for more information.

gem install haxor -v 0.2.0


Haxor VM

Build Status

Haxor consists of compiler hc and virtual machine hvm.

Man, why have you written that?

Writing own implementation of VM gives a lot of knowledge about computer's architecture. You hit into issues not known during day by day activity in high level languages you use. So... just to broaden horizons and for fun ;)

How to install?

You need to install these software before installing Haxor:

  • cmake 2.8.7 or newer
  • c++11 compatible compiler (e.g. clang 3.5, Apple clang 6.0, gcc 4.8)
  • flex (tested on 2.5)
  • bison 3.x (the one bundled with OS X is too old, you can use version from homebrew)

haxor is written in c++, you must compile it before use:

git clone https://github.com/krzysztof-magosa/haxor.git
cd haxor
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make install

Optionally you can change installation prefix by invoking this command instead of cmake ..:

cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/haxor ..

To specify non-standard Bison location (for example on OS X):

cmake -DBISON_EXECUTABLE=/opt/homebrew/Cellar/bison/3.0.4/bin/bison ..



hc program.hax


hvm program.hax.e


Haxor is licensed under BSD 3-clause license. You can read it here.


General information

  • Design: RISC, load/store
  • Endianness: Little Endian
  • WORD size: 64-bit
  • Registers size: 64-bit
  • Instruction: fixed size, 64-bit
  • Arithmetic: integer only, 64-bit
  • Memory model: paging with protection flags (read, write, exec)
  • Call convention: parameters are passed by $a0-$a9 registers, return values by $v0, $v1


Instruction is 64-bit, and contains:

  • 0:6 bits - instruction code (7 bits, unsigned)
  • 7:8 bits - flags (2 bits, unsigned, not used at the moment)
  • 9:14 bits - register 1 (6 bits, unsigned)
  • 15:20 bits - register 2 (6 bits, unsigned)
  • 21:26 bits - register 3 (6 bits, unsigned)
  • 27:63 bits - immediate value (37 bits, signed)


vCPU has 64 registers, some of them have special role:

Number Alias Description
0 $zero always zero register, writes are ignored
1 $at reserved for assembler (pseudo-instructions etc.)
2-11 $a0-$a9 argument for routine
12-21 $t0-$t9 temporary (local variable)
22-23 $v0-$v1 return value
24-33 $s0-$s9 saved temporary (preserved across function call)
... ... ...
60 $fp frame pointer
61 $sp stack pointer
62 $ra return address for linked jumps/branches
63 $sc syscall function id

Please always use aliases and not register numbers.

Memory map

|Segment|Read |Write |Execute | |-------|------------------|------------------|------------------|c |ivt |✅|✅|🚫 | |code |🚫 |🚫 |✅| |data |✅|✅|🚫 | |bss |✅|✅|🚫 | |heap |✅|✅|🚫 | |stack |✅|✅|🚫 |

* Heap is not implemented yet.


Haxor uses primitive asm-like syntax. Each command goes into separate line. You can use comments using #. Program starts from main label. Labels are created by putting name followed by colon.

Most of instructions take 3 registers or 2 registers and immediate value. If not stated differently result goes to first specified register.


Native instructions

Syntax OpCode Description
nop 0x00 Does nothing.
- 0x01 -
syscall 0x02 Performs Syscall with ID stored in $sc register.
add reg1, reg2, reg3 0x10 reg1 = reg2 + reg3
addi reg1, reg2, imm 0x11 reg1 = reg2 + imm
sub reg1, reg2, reg3 0x12 reg1 = reg2 - reg3
mult reg1, reg2, reg3 0x13 reg1 = reg2 * reg3
div reg1, reg2, reg3 0x14 reg1 = reg2 / reg3
mod reg1, reg2, reg3 0x15 reg1 = reg2 % reg3
lw reg1, reg2, imm 0x20 reg1 = memory[reg2 + imm]
sw reg1, imm, reg2 0x21 memory[reg1+imm] = reg2
lui reg1, imm 0x22 reg1 = (imm << 32)
and reg1, reg2, reg3 0x30 reg1 = reg2 & reg3
andi reg1, reg2, imm 0x31 reg1 = reg2 & imm
or reg1, reg2, reg3 0x32 reg1 = reg2 | reg3
ori reg1, reg2, imm 0x33 reg1 = reg2 | imm
xor reg1, reg2, reg3 0x34 reg1 = reg2 ^ reg3
nor reg1, reg2, reg3 0x35 reg1 = ~(reg2 | reg3)
slt reg1, reg2, reg3 0x36 reg1 = reg2 < reg3
slti reg1, reg2, imm 0x37 reg1 = reg2 < imm
slli reg1, reg2, imm 0x40 reg1 = reg2 << imm
srli reg1, reg2, imm 0x41 reg1 = reg2 >> imm
sll reg1, reg2, reg3 0x42 reg1 = reg2 << reg3
srl reg1, reg2, reg3 0x43 reg1 = reg2 >> reg3
beq reg1, reg2, imm 0x50 goto imm if reg1 == reg2
beql reg1, reg2, imm 0x51 $ra = pc, goto imm if reg1 == reg2
bne reg1, reg2, imm 0x52 goto imm if reg1 != reg2
bnel reg1, reg2, imm 0x53 $ra = pc, goto imm if reg1 != reg2
j imm 0x54 goto imm
jr reg1 0x55 goto reg1
jal imm 0x56 $ra = pc, goto imm
jalr reg1 0x57 $ra = pc, goto reg1
int num 0x58 generates software interrupt
reti 0x59 comes back from interrupt

Pseudo instructions

Syntax Description
push reg1 Pushes register onto stack
pushi imm Pushes const onto stack
pushm imm Pushes word stored at specified address
pop reg1 Pops value into register
popm imm Pops value into specified address
move reg1, reg2 reg1 = reg2
clear reg1 reg1 = 0
not reg1, reg2 reg1 = ~reg2
ret Jumps to address stored in $ra
b imm Unconditional branch
bal imm Unconditional linked branch
bgt reg1, reg2, imm goto imm if reg1 > reg2
blt reg1, reg2, imm goto imm if reg1 < reg2
bge reg1, reg2, imm goto imm if reg1 >= reg2
ble reg1, reg2, imm goto imm if reg1 <= reg2
blez reg1, imm goto imm if reg1 <= 0
bgtz reg1, imm goto imm if reg1 > 0
beqz reg1, imm goto imm if reg1 == 0
bgez reg1, imm goto imm if reg1 >= 0
li reg1, num load number into register
la reg1, label load address of label into register
prol imm function prologue, imm - numbers of bytes to reserve on stack
epil function epilogue
resw imm reserves imm of words

System calls

Using syscall command you can run some system calls provided by Haxor VM. System call number is passed via $sc register, arguments are passed by registers $a0-$a9. Return value is written into $v0 register, some syscalls return error code in $v1.

print_string (01h)

Print 0 terminated string located under specific address.


li $sc, 01h
la $a0, label_msg

print_int (02h)

Print number.


li $sc, 02h
li $a0, 123

read_string (03h)

Reads line from standard input and writes under specified address. Second parameter designates buffer size (including terminating 0).


li $sc, 03h
la $a0, destination_label
li $a1, 100

read_int (04h)

Reads integer from standard input. Value is returned via $v0, error code via $v1.


li $sc, 04h

rand (05h)

Generate random number between min and max.

li $sc, 05h
li $a0, 100
li $a1, 200

sleep (06h)

Sleeps for specified number of milliseconds.

li $sc, 06h
li $a0, 1000

exit (07h)

Stops virtual machine and exits with specified exit code.

li $sc, 07h
li $a0, 5

create_timer (08h)

Schedule interrupt to be run every N ticks of system timer (it runs 1000 ticks per second). Timer identificator is returned in $v0 register.

Please note that because of way how syscalls are implemented they are not preemptive. It means that if you for example use sleep syscall, timer interrupt may be fired after sleep. You can implement your own sleep routine based on steady_time to bypass this limitation (see example here).

la $t0, isr0     # load address of isr0 label into register $t0
sw $zero, 0, $t0 # load $t0 value into memory[0]

li $sc, 08h
li $a0, 0 # int number

enable_timer (09h)

Enables previously disabled timer.

li $sc, 09h
li $a0, 0 # timer id

disable_timer (0ah)

Disables calling interrupt by timer. Ticks are still counted so it does not impair the cycle..

li $sc, 0ah
li $a0, 0 # timer id

time (0bh)

Returns time in specified unit.

$a0 Return as
0 hours
1 minutes
2 seconds
3 milliseconds
4 microseconds
5 nanoseconds
li $sc, 0bh
li $a0, 2

steady_time (0ch)

Returns steady time which cannot be decreased. It's suitable for measuring intervals. Units are controlled in the same way as in time syscall.

li $sc, 0ch
li $a0, 3


Haxor VM provides 128 interrupts, first 32 are reserved for exceptions and internal things, you can use rest for your needs e.g. timers. To assign interrupt service routine to specific interrupt you need to put ISR address into relevant cell of interrupt vector table.

The formula is

ivr_cell_address = interrupt_number * 8

Example of assigning ISR to interrupt 32

  # isr body

  la $t0, isr32
  sw $zero, 256, $t0 # 32 * 8 = 256

  # rest of code

CPU Exceptions

In some situations Haxor VM can raise exception. Every exception type has assigned specific interrupt.

Exception type Interrupt number
Division by zero 0
Broken opcode 1
Segmentation fault 2

Useful knowledge related to (virtual) machines