
Infopark Kickstarter

gem install infopark_kickstarter -v 4.0.0


Infopark Kickstarter

Gem Version Code Climate Dependency Status Build Status

Infopark Kickstarter provides generators and rake tasks to quickly setup or enhance an Infopark Ruby on Rails project. All generated code represents a working example, but can be fully customized within the application.

Installation and Usage

Please visit our Dev Center to get the latest installation and usage information.


There are two types of tests. First there are rspec tests of the Infopark Kickstarter engine. You can run these tests by simply calling:

$ rake spec

There are also integration tests, that can be run by:

$ rake test:integration

In order to run the tests successfully, you need to download the application configuration from the Infopark Console and unpack it into the config folder. See the contributing section below for more information.

The integration tests are rather slow, because they create an entire new application, execute rails generate cms:kickstart and run all the other generators and then execute the tests of the newly created application. Therefore, all tests can also run on the Continuous Integration platform Travis.

Continuous Integration with Travis

As the Infopark Kickstarter is a public repository, it is easily possible for you to run Continuous Integration tests of your fork with Travis as you develop new features. In order to run all Kickstarter Tests on the platform you should:

  1. See the Contributing section and set up your local fork of the Infopark Kickstarter. Make sure that all tests are passing on your local machine.

  2. Go into your local Kickstarter directory and run rake travis_encrypt to get a list of secure travis credentials and add them to the .travis.yml file. Please check these changes in with your next pull request.

  3. Sign in at Travis with your Github Account.

  4. Enable the Travis Webhook for your infopark_kickstarter fork.

If you now push commits to your forked repository or send a pull request, travis will automatically run all tests for you and indicate the build status.


See Changelog for more details.


We would be very happy and thankful if you open new issues in order to further improve Infopark Kickstarter. If you want to go a step further and extend the functionality or fix a problem, you can do so any time by following the steps below.

  1. Signup for a free Infopark account and setup a test CRM and CMS component in the Infopark console.

  2. Fork and clone the Infopark Kickstarter GitHub repository.

    git clone
    cd infopark_kickstarter
  3. We suggest using rbenv for managing your local Ruby version. Make sure to use at least Ruby version 1.9.3.

    ruby --version
  4. Download the configuration files for your Ruby on Rails application from the Infopark console and copy them to your cloned Kickstarter gem config folder.

  5. Create the bundle and run all test to make sure everything is working before you add your own changes. You find some more details about testing above in the Testing section.

    rake spec
    rake test:integration
  6. Create your feature branch and create a pull request for the develop branch. Please take a look at the already existing generators and rake tasks to get an impression of our coding style and the general architecture.

  7. We are using the GitHub Styleguides and would prefer if you could stick to it.


Copyright (c) 2009 - 2014 Infopark AG (

This software can be used and modified under the LGPLv3. Please refer to for the license text.