
A Jekyll plugin to generate a webring from rss feeds

gem install jekyll-webring -v 0.2.0


jekyll-webring plugin

Gem Version

A plugin designed to generate a webring from rss feeds based on a date, so you can link to other blogs. Inspiried by openring.


Add this line to your site's Gemfile:

gem 'jekyll-webring'

And then add this line to your site's _config.yml:

  - jekyll-webring


Generate a webring by putting this in a liquid template

{% webring %}

You can pass some options to the tag too. For example pass a date to generate a webring of articles written before that date:

{% webring %}

Or pass 'random' to select random items from the rss feeds given:

{% webring 'random' %}

If the layout_file config option is set, you can create a liquid template for the webring. The default one looks like:

<section class="webring">
	<h3>Articles from blogs I follow around the net</h3>
	<section class="articles">
		{% for item in webring %}
		<div class="article">
			<h4 class="title">
				<a href="{{ item.url }}" target="_blank" rel="noopener">{{ item.title }}</a>
			<p class="summary">{{ item.summary }}</p>
			<small class="source">
				via <a href="{{ item.source_url }}">{{ item.source_title }}</a>
			<small class="date">{{ }}</small>
		{% endfor %}


  # Will save and read data from _data/webring.yml
  # suggested to add this file to excludes in _config.yml otherwise jekyll
  # watch will get stuck in a permanant regenerate loop.
  # (I also suggest setting this if you want to guarantee having the same
  # webring generated, as many feeds only show the most recent items and will
  # be unable to have a webring item generated for them if not saved)
  # default: nil
  data_file: webring

  # Will look for a liquid template at _layouts/webring.html
  # if not set will use a default template
  # default: nil
  layout_file: webring

  # Array of rss feed urls
  # default: nil

  # The max length of the summary of the article
  # default: 256
  max_summary_length: 256

  # The number of items to show in the webring
  # default: 3
  num_items: 3

  # What to do if a date is given and no items in the feed are older than that
  # date
  # options: ignore, use_oldest, use_latest, random
  # default: ignore
  no_item_at_date_behaviour: use_oldest

  # The format the dates will be displayed in.
  # If not set uses site.date_format, and if that is not set it reverts to
  # default
  # default: "%-d %B, %Y"
  date_format: "%-d %B, %Y"