Most rails helpers tend to be tightly focused on placing a single element on a page, like a link or an image tag. Rails Fancies is for helpers that are more complex and can form the basis of complete a web page. The inaugural helpers are a FAQ helper and a weekly calendar helper.

gem install rails_fancies -v 1.1.2


Rails Fancies


Rails Fancies is an open source project to develop some fanciful Ruby on Rails helpers. Most rails helpers tend to be tightly focused on placing a single element on a page, like a link or an image tag. Rails Fancies is for helpers that are more complex and can form the basis of complete a web page.

FAQ Helper

This is a helper to write a FAQ helper. You can arrange the questions and answer separately and click through to from the question to the corresponding answer.


gem 'rails_fancies'

and then bundle.


Rails 4

How to Use FAQ Helper

In your gemfile, include

Here is an example of how to use the FAQ helper

<%= fancy_faq do |f| %>
	<%= f.question :first, 'Is this the first question?' %>
	<%= f.question :second, 'Is this the second question?' %>
	<%= f.answer :first, 'Yes it is the answer to the first question, and let me add that it is a very good question indeed.' %>
	<%= f.answer :second, 'Yes this is the answer to the second question, and I now find the answer and the question repetitive. ' %>
<% end -%>

So to ask a question, just enter

f.question question_tag, question_text
where question_tag is a unique symbol for that question, and question_text is a string containing the actual question.

To answer the question, just enter

f.answer, question_tag, answer_text where answer_text is a string containing the answer to the question.

You can intersperse other text and html element (like h2 tags) between the questions and answers.

Contributing to Rails Fancies

If you have an idea for a new type of rails fancy, then either open an issue for your idea or do a pull request.

If you find a bug or have difficulties getting the helpers to work, then please raise an issue.