Engine for a rails application which extends /rails/info about some information resources in development environment.

gem install rails_info -v 0.0.2


RailsInfo Wiki

Experimental engine for a rails application besides admin and continous integration web interface which extends standard /rails/info (properties through public.html iframe and on Rails 3 Edge / Rails 4 also the routes action) about some extra information resources in development environment.


In Rails 3, add this under your development group to the Gemfile of your Rails 3 application and run the bundle command.

gem "rails_info"

OPTIONAL: users of catch-all-routes like match '*not_found' => 'errors#404' have to add the following line before this catch-all-route:

mount_rails_info if Rails.env.development?

OPTIONAL: If you are also using the simple_navigation gem then you need to make sure that you navigation configuration file is not called navigation.rb.

If you have a navigation.rb file rename it to main_navigation.rb and add the context: :main option to the render_navigation calls in your views.

Wiki Docs


Prepare for sporadic Ruby segmentation faults caused by the Python powered syntax highlighter pygments in the early stages of this project (at least under Ruby 1.9.3 & Rails 3.2.6 on MacOS). There will be a configuration option for deactivating syntax highlighting soon for the time being without a solution for this problem.

Tested on MacOS with: Rails 3.1 & Ruby 1.9.2, Rails 3.2.6 & Ruby 1.9.3.


It should be the place for other rake commands besides “rake routes” such as brakeman or best practices.


Just follow the screencast of Ryan Bates on railscasts.com:


Add a description about your changes to CHANGELOG.md under section rails_info (unreleased).


This project uses MIT-LICENSE.