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What is Libraries.io?

Libraries.io is a free service that collects publicly available open source package information scraped from the internet. With it you can search 9.96M packages by license, language, or explore new, trending, or popular packages.

The Tidelift Subscription: for more complete and accurate package data

Data available via Libraries.io is scraped from the internet and not validated, corrected, or curated for accuracy. If you are looking to make important decisions about open source usage and management, consider our paid offering: The Tidelift Subscription.

The Tidelift Subscription provides a curated source of open source package data backed by Tidelift and our maintainer partners, who are paid to ensure their projects follow enterprise-grade secure software development practices, now and into the future.

The Tidelift Subscription provides deeper, more meaningful insights that allow you to evaluate latent risk indicators such as package maintenance and end-of-life status, evaluating code contributors and security measures such as two-factor-authentication to eliminate malicious code injections, and more.

Libraries.io vs. The Tidelift Subscription

The table below provides a deeper comparison of the differences between Libraries.io and the Tidelift Subscription.

Libraries.io Tidelift
Package metadata Read from package and source repository metadata, not validated for accuracy Extensive and human-validated for accuracy
Paying maintainers to implement secure development practices and provide attestations (examples: 2FA status, security policy, and more) Not included Extensive data about practices and attestations made available only to customers
License data Read from package metadata, not validated for accuracy Analyzed, and manually validated for accuracy, also including normalized SPDX expression
Dependency insights Limited insights only, not validated for accuracy Extensive and human-validated for accuracy, and including dependency graph relationships
Vulnerability insights Not included CVE data ingested from multiple sources and mapped to specific versions, plus maintainer CVE reviews for impact, workarounds, and false positive identification
Maintenance status, including deprecation, end-of-life, and package rename insights Not included Extensive and human-validated for accuracy
Release and usage recommendations Not included Extensive and human-validated for accuracy
API access Limited and rate restricted Robust set of APIs, enterprise support and SLA, and rate customizable
New package(s) assessment SLA Not included Package assessment SLAs included with Tidelift Subscription

Supported Package Managers

npm 4.95M Packages

Maven 679K Packages

PyPI 620K Packages

Go 591K Packages

NuGet 554K Packages

Packagist 447K Packages

Rubygems 189K Packages

Cargo 182K Packages

CocoaPods 101K Packages

Bower 68.1K Packages

Pub 63K Packages

CPAN 41.6K Packages

CRAN 27.9K Packages

Clojars 24.2K Packages

conda 19.4K Packages

Hackage 18.2K Packages

Hex 17.7K Packages

Meteor 13.3K Packages

Homebrew 9.57K Packages

Puppet 6.92K Packages

Carthage 4.76K Packages

SwiftPM 4.21K Packages

Elm 3.03K Packages

Julia 3.03K Packages

Dub 2.88K Packages

Racket 2.76K Packages

Nimble 2.53K Packages

Haxelib 1.7K Packages

PureScript 801 Packages

Alcatraz 455 Packages

Inqlude 228 Packages

Package manager not listed above? Consider adding support for it.