
Responsive jQuery Slider

Slider, responsive, jQuery, Propeller, propcomm, propcom
bower install propcom-zRS#2.10.3


zRS - Responsive Slider - v2.10.5

2.10.5 Update

Fixed a long standing issue with touch integration.

Release History

Basic Implementation:

Use the following HTML structure when implementing the slider to your web page.

<div class="slider"> <!-- The element the slider needs to be called on -->
    <div class="inner-slider"> <!-- Inner slider is necessary to make the plug in function correctly, make sure this is 100% width if you want it responsive! -->
        <img src="img/trans/1.jpg" alt="Tester" />
        <img src="img/trans/2.jpg" alt="Tester" />
        <img src="img/trans/3.jpg" alt="Tester" />
        <img src="img/trans/4.jpg" alt="Tester" />
        <img src="img/trans/5.jpg" alt="Tester" />
        <img src="img/trans/6.jpg" alt="Tester" />
        <img src="img/trans/7.jpg" alt="Tester" />
        <img src="img/trans/8.jpg" alt="Tester" />

Use the following JS structure when implementing the slider to your web page.

$(document).ready(function() {

    $('.slider').zRS();     // Uses default options below
    $('.slider').zRS({      // Set your own options!

        speed: 500,
        delay: 7000,
        transition: 'fade'


    $('.slider').zRS('transition', 'forward');  // Firing a method, full list below!


Some options aren't compatible with one another, make sure you check the console if things aren't working correctly, you will get an error message that gives you more insight.


Here's a list of options with all their default values:

delay: 5000,                            // The amount of time before the slide transitions automatically, set to 0 to turn off automatic transition.
speed : 1000,                           // The speed of the animation.
transition : 'slide',                   // Transition type, currently 'slide', 'fade' and 'verticalSlide' are the only ones.
procedural : false,                     // Procedural image loading, more info below.
pager : false,                          // A selector for pagination e.g. $('.pager').
pauseOnHover : false,                   // Explains itself!
visibleSlides : 1,                      // The number of slides visible at any time, not compatible with fade.
slideBy: 1,                             // Number of slides to move by. Set this to visibleSlides for a paging effect.
setVisibleSlides : null,                // Pass an object through to set the number of visible slides depending on view port width.
slideSpacing : 0,                       // The spacing in pixels between each slide.
pre_trans_callback : null,              // A callback just before the slide transitions.
trans_callback : null,                  // A callback for when the slide has finished it's transition.
load_callback : null,                   // A callback for when the slide has finished loading.
sizes: null,                            // An object full of sizes to swap out for smaller images on mobile devices.
touch: false,                           // Enable touch transitions for touch devices
backstretch: false,                     // Enable background image cropping and resizing
inner: '.inner-slider'                  // Add a custom class/ID to the inner div!
next: false                             // A selector for a 'next' button e.g. $('.next')
prev: false                             // A selector for a 'prev' button e.g. $('.prev')
textFade: false         // Will enable smooth text transitions for the fade animation


Each callback has a few values you can access to help you do what you need to do, listed below are all the properties you can access.

Pre Transition Callback
pre_trans_callback: function(e) {

    this        // The this keyword refers to the slide that you are transitioning to.    // The slide number you are going to.
    e.current   // The current slide you're on, before transition.

Transition Callback
trans_callback: function(e) {

    this            // The this keyword refers to the slide you're currently on.
    e.slide         // The slide number you're currently on.

Load Callback
load_callback: function(e) {

    this        // The this keyword refers to the main slider container.



zRS has a few methods that you can call in order to manipulate the plug in once it's up and running, they are as follows:

$('.slider').zRS('transition', 'forward');          // Transitions forward 1 slide
$('.slider').zRS('transition', 'back');             // Transition back 1 slide
$('.slider').zRS('goTo', 0);                        // Go to the specified slide! 0 is the first slide.

$('.slider').zRS('pause');                          // This will pause the slider
$('.slider').zRS('play');                           // This will resume the slider

$('.slider').zRS('clear');                          // Destroys all slides in the slider
$('.slider').zRS('reInit');                         // This will fire the initialisation funtion again

$('.slider').zRS('widthAdjustments');               // Update the width calculations for the slides

Bind them to whatever events you need to!

Procedural Loading Implementation:

This version supports dynamic loading in of images as the slider transitions, saving a lot of time on page load, especially for sliders with large images.

First thing first set the procedural option to be true in the settings. e.g.


    procedural : true


Once you've set that up you will need to follow the following HTML structure with your images either inside your slides or as the slides themselves.

<img src="_blank.gif" alt="Example" data-src="image.jpg" />

It's as simple as that! "_blank.gif" is optional, you may leave the src attribute empty.

Image swapping

With 2.2 you can now use the sizes option to swap images out depending on view port size it is implemented as follows:


    procedural: true,
    sizes: {

        mobile : 480,
        tablet : 768



The labels 'mobile' and 'tablet' are just examples you can use any label and any sizes. The number in the option refers to which data attribute will be read if the screen size is SMALLER than the number; data-src will be used if it's larger than the highest value.

Here's a markup example for the above example.

<img src="_blank.gif" alt="example" data-src="highres.jpg" data-tablet="midres.jpg" data-mobile="smallres.jpg" />

If the slide itself isn't an image then it will search the slide for the images!

Visible Slides

The 2.3 update added additional options for adjusting visible slides depending on view port.

$(document).ready(function() {


        visibleSlides: 4,
        setVisibleSlides: {

            800: 3,
            600: 2,
            400: 1




Set up in a similar way to the sizes option you can now specify a view port width and then specify how many visible slides you want it to show BELOW that resolution. As a results of the new option the "setVisibleSlides" method has been removed.


Touch is now supported! To enable touch simply add the option below when you initialise the slider and it will enable swipes to transition. Currently working on Android and iOS.


    touch: true
