Get the address quickly and easily from Google Map in Web, Desktop and Mobile.



Map Picker Flutter

Check it out at Pub.Dev

This works on:

  • Android;
  • iOS;
  • Web;
  • Windows;
  • Linux;
  • MacOS;


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This lib was designed especially for web and desktop platforms, but of course you can also use it on mobiles.

Getting Started

To use is simple, before all, you need to call this method, It will required once only,

        /// Custom search Builder Widget, case it is null, will be used the default of packer
        searchBuilder: (Function(String address) search) => MyCustomWidget(),

        /// Custom address Builder Widget, case it is null, will be used the default of packer
        addressBuilder: (String address, Function done) => MyCustomWidget(),

        /// Custom progress Widget, case it is null, will be used the default of packer
        progressWidget: MyCustomWidget(),

        /// Custom address Builder Widget, case it is null, will be used the default of packer
        marker: MyCustomWidget(),

        /// All above is to set global widgets to all times you need call this package

        theme: MPickerTheme(
            /// # Initial Location
            initialLocation: LatLng(-23.572143, -46.613275),

            /// # Text showed when address is not founded
            errorAddressMissing: 'Error, address don\'t founded.',

            /// # Text showed when gets error during find address
            errorToFindAddress: 'Error to find this address, try again.',

            /// # Initial text when don`t has any address selected
            withoutAddress: 'Without Address Picked',

            /// # Here the texts showed in [TextField] case you don`t use a custom
            searchHint: 'Type here...',
            searchLabel: 'Search:',

            /// # Language of return of google maps api
            lang: 'en'),

        /// My Google Maps Api Key
        key: 'GOOGLE_API_KEY');

Then Usage

Now you can use of two ways


You just call navigator and wait to response, ex:

final MPAddress address = await Navigator.push(context, MaterialPageRoute(builder: (c) => MapPicker(
    /// here, case you want overwrite anything of global params of you set, you can

    /// # Custom search Builder Widget, case it is null, will be used the global or default
    searchBuilder: (Function(String address) search) => MyCustomWidget(),

    /// # Custom address Builder Widget, case it is null, will be used the global or default
    addressBuilder: (String address, Function done) => MyCustomWidget(),

    /// # Custom progress Widget, case it is null, will be used the global or default
    progressWidget: MyCustomWidget(),

    /// # Custom theme, case it is null, will be used the global or default
    theme: MPickerTheme(...),

    /// # Custom Marker, case it is null, will be used the global or default
    marker: MyWidget()

Web / Desktop

In this platforms, because screens is bigger, I think is more intelligent use a dialog, then I made it ready for you to use

final MPAddress address = await MapPickerTemplate.dialogAddressPicker(
    context: context);

Of course, you can use both ways on any platform, this is just a suggestion.