
MRIGlobal's taxonomy related operators

mriglobal, taxonomy, ncbi
pip install MRItaxonomy==1.0.6


MRItaxonomy - MRIGlobals Taxonomy Library

A compendium of convenient taxonomic related operations interfacing with NCBI


pip install MRItaxonomy

import the whole module, or sub-modules

import MRItaxonomy


from MRItaxonomy import NCBI_fetch
from MRItaxonomy import accession2taxid
from MRItaxonomy import nnID
from MRItaxonomy import nucDL
from MRItaxonomy import protacc2taxid
from MRItaxonomy import slidingwindow
from MRItaxonomy import taxid
from MRItaxonomy import taxid2name


functions to intially set up and update the NCBI data pulls. The initialize() command is automatically the first time the databases are accessed. This does not have to be done again

from MRItaxonomy import NCBI_fetch

To update, re-pull the latest from NCBI (will not re-download if no change) using the update() command



contains a method that loads the accession-to-taxid mapping data object, and a function that reports the associated taxid for the passed accession

from MRItaxonomy import accession2taxid
accession2taxid.load_trie()    # note: does not have to be called. will automatically be applied the first time get_taxid() is run


contains a method that, from a given taxon, returns a list of taxonomies that are near neighbors to the given taxon

from MRItaxonomy import nnID


contains methods to access NCBI's ftp site and download nucleotide records. takes in a taxid, thread count (for parallelism), a working directory, and a database choise between genbank/refseq

from MRItaxonomy import nucDL
nucDL.dl(tax, threads, path, db='genbank'/'refseq')


works similarly as accession2taxid does, but with protein accessions instead of nucleotide

from MRItaxonomy import protacc2taxid
protacc2taxid.load_dataframe()    # note: does not have to be called. will automatically be applied the first time get_taxid() is run


this module slides a window across a folder of nucleotide records and outputs window-sized reads along the length of the input nucleotide record. can specify what suffix to use for each chunked output (default=.fna)

from MRItaxonomy import slidingwindow
slidingwindow.reads_generation(path_of_fasta_folder, window_size=150, extension='.fna')


this module handles operations having to do with the taxonomic trees via the NCBI nodes.dmp and merged.dmp files

from MRItaxonomy import taxid
taxid.load_dbs()    # note: does not have to be called. will automatically be applied the first time another MRItaxonomy.taxid() function needs the databases

taxid.get_parent(taxid)    # returns the parent taxid for the given taxid

taxid.get_rank(taixd)    # returns the rank of the given taxid (superkingdom, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species)

taxid.getnodeatrank(taxid, selected rank)    # returns the taxid at the taxonomic rank (superkingdom, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species) for the given taxid

taxid.get_merge(taxid)    # if the taxid is in the nodes.dmp database, returns the taxid. otherwise, if it's in the merged database, return the associated merged.dmp entry. If neither is true, returns 0.


this module takes in a taxid and returns the associated scientific name

from MRItaxonomy import taxid2name