Small collection of stuff for all my other python projects (including logging).

pip install bbutils==



Collection of code I use frequently in many of my projects. Especially the logging feature.


  • Logging to console (colored) and file, in can be extended via additional writer via a plugin feature. The logging is done directly, but also can be done via a thread and a simple buffer.


You can install unqlite using pip.

pip install bbutils

Basic logging usage

Below is a sample designed to show some of the basic features and functionality of the logging library.

Step 1: Setup

To begin, instantiate an Logging object. Then do the setup via log.setup(**kwargs).

log = Logging()
log.setup(app="example", level=3)
Possible values for setup():
  • app: Application name
  • use_thread: use threaded output
  • interval: update interval for threaded mode in seconds
  • level: verbose level (integer)
  • index: dictionay with a lookup table for the different commands for each verbose level
Verbose level and the commands
index = {

Step 2: Output writer

  • console
  • file
    # We want console and file logging
    console = log.get_writer("console")
    fileio = log.get_writer("file")

    # file name to log to
    filename = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath("{0:s}/run-tests.log".format(os.getcwd())))

    # setup file and console output, set filename and filler for space for readable output.
    fileio.setup(text_space=15, filename=filename)
Possible values for console.setup():
  • text_space: number of space fillers for application name and tag
  • seperator: seperator for tags and content, currently '|' as default
  • error_index: list of commands (see Verbose level and the commands) redirected to stderr
  • bar_len: length of progress bar
Possible values for file.setup():

There are two modes for the file output. First is setting the filename directly. The second is setting filename, logname and logpath. The second enables to append a date and time value to the output filename.

  • text_space: number of space fillers for application name and tag
  • append_data: continue old logfile (only for filename)
  • filename: filename for logfile (excludes logname, logpath and append_datetime)
  • logname: general name for logfile (example logname=example will result in a filename of /exaple_2020-01-01_00.00.00.log)
  • logpath: path to store the logfile, works only with logname
  • append_datetime: add datetime to logname and logpath

Step 3: Register writer

Its possible to create self written writer and use these. Look in bbutil.logging.types for the Writer class and the Message class.

    # register the output

Step 4: Use the class

  • inform(tag: str, content: str)
  • warn(tag: str, content: str)
  • debug1(tag: str, content: str)
  • debug2(tag: str, content: str)
  • debug3(tag: str, content: str)
  • error(content: str)
  • exception(e: Exception)
  • traceback()
  • progress(limit: int, interval: int = 0)
  • timer(content: str)
Example for 'inform'
log.inform("EXAMPLE", "example 1, this will be shown with every log level")

example         EXAMPLE        | example 1, this will be shown with every log level

See file here

Example output

import os
import time
from bbutil.logging import Logging

if __name__ == '__main__':

    log = Logging()

    # Setup the logging, appicatio name is 'example', log level is 2
    log.setup(app="example", level=3)

    # We want console and file logging
    console = log.get_writer("console")
    fileio = log.get_writer("file")

    # file name to log to
    filename = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath("{0:s}/run-tests.log".format(os.getcwd())))

    # setup file and console output, set filename and filler for space for readable output.
    fileio.setup(text_space=15, filename=filename)

    # register the output

    # switch logging on

    # example 1, this will be shown with every log level
    log.inform("EXAMPLE", "example 1, this will be shown with every log level")

    # example 2, this will be shown with every log level
    log.warn("EXAMPLE", "this will be shown with every log level")

    # error example, this will be shown with every log level
    log.error("this will be shown with every log level!")

    # debug 1 example, this will be shown only with log level 1 and above
    log.debug1("DEBUG", "this will be shown only with log level 1 and above")

    # debug 2 example, this will be shown only with log level 2 and above
    log.debug2("DEBUG", "this will be shown only with log level 2 and above")

    # debug 3 example, this will be shown only with log level 3
    log.debug3("DEBUG", "this will be shown only with log level 3")

    # show exceptions, this will be shown with every log level
    log.inform("EXCEPTIONS", "this will be shown with every log level")

        _ = 1 / 0
    except ZeroDivisionError as e:

    # show traceback, this will be shown with every log level
    log.inform("TRACEBACK", "this will be shown with every log level")
        _ = 1 / 0
    except ZeroDivisionError:

    # show a progress meter via console
    # first parameter: limit of the counter
    # second parameter: update interval
    # the update interval is there to prevent flickering, it also reduces the load
    log.inform("PROGRESS", "count from 0 to 1000 in 10 interval, set the value via set()")
    count1 = 0
    progress1 = log.progress(1000, 10)

    while True:

        count1 += 1

        if count1 > 1000:

    # to remove the progress bar use clear

    # it also can be used backwards
    log.inform("PROGRESS", "count from 1000 to 0 in 10 interval, set the value via set()")
    count2 = 1000
    progress2 = log.progress(1000, 10)
    progress2._counter = 1000

    while True:

        count2 -= 1

        if count2 == 0:

    # to remove the progress bar use clear

    # now we use inc instead of setting the value
    log.inform("PROGRESS", "count from 0 to 1000 in 10 interval, set the value via inc()")
    count3 = 0
    progress3 = log.progress(1000, 10)

    while True:

        count3 += 1

        if count3 > 1000:

    # to remove the progress bar use clear

    log.inform("MEASURE", "Measure time.sleep(3)")
    timer1 = log.timer("Measure something")