BigQuery client wrapper with clean API

airflow-dag, beam, bigquery, composer, dag, dataflow, dataproc, gcp, python, python-framework, workflows
pip install biggerquery==1.0.dev11




  1. What is BigFlow?
  2. Getting started
  3. Installing Bigflow
  4. Help me
  5. BigFlow tutorial
  6. CLI
  7. Configuration
  8. Project structure and build
  9. Deployment
  10. Workflow & Job
  11. Starter
  12. Technologies
  13. Development


What is BigFlow?

BigFlow is a Python framework for data processing pipelines on GCP.

The main features are:

Getting started

Start from installing BigFlow on your local machine. Next, go through the BigFlow tutorial.

Installing BigFlow

Prerequisites. Before you start, make sure you have the following software installed:

  1. Python = 3.8
  2. Google Cloud SDK
  3. Docker Engine

You can install the bigflow package globally, but we recommend installing it locally with venv, in your project's folder:

python -m venv .bigflow_env
source .bigflow_env/bin/activate

Install the bigflow PIP package:

pip install bigflow[bigquery,dataflow]

Test it:

bigflow -h

Read more about BigFlow CLI.

To interact with GCP you need to set a default project and log in:

gcloud config set project <your-gcp-project-id>
gcloud auth application-default login

Finally, check if your Docker is running:

docker info

Help me

You can ask questions on our gitter channel or stackoverflow.