An open-source collection of tools for quantum-optics experiments

pip install openqlab==0.4.3



pipeline status coverage report Code style: black

openqlab provides a collection of useful tools and helpers for the analysis of lab data in the Nonlinear Quantum Optics Group at the University of Hamburg.

Part of the content in this package was written during the PhD theses of Sebastian Steinlechner and Tobias Gehring. It is currently maintained by Sebastian Steinlechner, Christian Darsow-Fromm, Jan Petermann and is looking for more volunteers who would like to contribute.

Read the latest changes in our changelog.



  • Importers for various file formats:
    • Agilent/Keysight scopes (binary and CSV)
    • Rhode & Schwarz spectrum analyzers
    • Tektronix spectrum analyzer
    • plain ascii
    • and a few more...
  • easily create standard plots from measurement data
  • design control loops
  • analyze beam profiler data
  • generate covariance matrices for N partite systems
  • several postprocessing functions for entanglement data
  • analyse and automatically plot squeezing data
  • tools for working with dB units


For a detailed installation instruction see the main documentation.


You will need an up-to-date Python 3 environment to use this package, e.g. the Anaconda Python distribution will work just fine. Please refer to the requirements.txt for a list of prerequisites (although these should be installed automatically, if necessary).

For examples and details on how to use this package, please refer to the documentation.



Use Poetry to manage the development packages. If you are missing a small how-to, just ask and write it. :)

poetry install


Please write unittests if you add new features. The structure for the test should represent the structure of the package itself. Each subpackage should have its own folder prefixed with test_ and should contain subfolders with the same structure. Every .py file (module) should be represented by one folder containing test files that test specific functions of that file. For example:

  • tests
    • test_subpackage1
      • test_module1
      • test_module2
    • test_subpackage2

For very simple classes or modules, the whole module can be tested in one file but may still be contained inside a folder with the same name. All tests located in src/test/* are automatically tested when pushing to Gitlab.

To run them manually use:

make test

Code Formatter

We use pre-commit for automatic code formatting before committing. It is automatically installed with the development packages. The command to enable the hooks is:

pre-commit install


Please write every change that seems significant in the file.

(c) 2020, LasNQ @ Uni Hamburg