
Selventa Large and Small Corpora via PyBEL

Biological, Expression, Language, BEL, Domain, Specific, DSL, Systems, biology, Networks, Drug, repositioning
pip install selventa-knowledge==1.1.0


Selventa Knowledge

Updated versions of the Selventa Small and Large Corpus


  • Code in this repository is licensed under the MIT License
  • Both the Selvanta Small Corpus and Selventa Large Corpus are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.


selventa_knowledge can be installed from PyPI with:

$ pip install selventa-knowledge

selventa_knowledge can be installed from GitHub with:

$ pip install git+


The combine graph can be loaded with:

>>> import selventa_knowledge
>>> graph = selventa_knowledge.get_graph()

If you need granularity, you can load each graph in a dictionary where all of the names of the files creating each graph are the keys and the values are also BEL graphs with:

>>> import selventa_knowledge
>>> graphs = selventa_knowledge.get_graphs()

The functions from each of the previous examples are simply exposing the bound functions from the BELRepository object, which can be accessed with:

>>> import selventa_knowledge
>>> repository = selventa_knowledge.repository

If you want to use this knowledge with INDRA, there's a method:

>>> import selventa_knowledge
>>> statements = selventa_knowledge.repository.get_indra_statements()

More BEL Content

See A Listing of Publicly Available Content in the Biological Expression Language (BEL) on Charles Tapley Hoyt's blog for more BEL content.